The current votes are as follows.
Friend (Niku, LaserBeing, Newbie)
Newbie (yyler)
Bongo Bill (Transportation, Guild)
LaserBeing and Niku made a convincing case for why Friend is probably evil. LaserBeing was also first to identify Kayma's suspicious behavior last round. I guess it's possible that one or both could be a wolf, but my gut tells me they're good players who pay attention—and if they aren't, lynching Friend will prove it quite effectively.
Transportation's methods are considerably more erratic. First he accused Romosome (claiming to "hate quiet people" as his justification) and then, when Romosome admitted he was being silent intentionally and had basically nothing to say, he turned to other targets, letting Romo go right back to saying and doing nothing.
(Personally, I thought Romosome was innocent for
a different reason; yyler's counterpoint demonstrated that I'd overlooked which other players had already voted for Romosome prior to Kayma's bandwagon-jump, which is why I now believe that we can't know for sure whether he's innocent or not without more information.)
Since letting Romo off the hook, he's made a big point of using
the strategy guide to justify his votes: Romo can't be eliminated as a suspect because wolves have to "vote for your own kind as much as you can". Vote for me because I used an "appeal to incredulity", which is basically Rule 1 on your list of innocent tactics. Vote for Bongo because he's trying to do what Kayma did last round.
Basically, I think he's playing investigator to distract from the attempt to lynch Friend. He's asking all the "right" questions which will frame the investigation in a way that puts him beyond suspicion—he never voted for Kayma, but he's obviously aware that wolves should vote for their own, so he couldn't be a wolf. If the proven wolf strategy is to lurk, hell, be one of the most active posters!
This is the impression Transportation is giving me, so I'm hesitant to vote for Bongo just because he wants to. Giving your vote away is a terrible move and probably indicates evil, but I have more confidence in the case for friend, at this point.