Alright! Thanks for responding, guys. I wanted you to post in the thread, and you've done so. I'm still pretty sure Savage is a body-snatcher—I threw your name in there to get a response from you, Kuumba, and while I don't think Rygaron snatched you, I wanted to confirm my suspicion that you
weren't the other snatcher. I feel like you've done so, but I'm not going to stake my life on it just yet.
What I'm going to stake my life on instead is the probability that I've just located Rygaron's new body. I believe he's taken over That Bitch From Avatar (Frocto). Frocto contacted me Day 1 stating that he'd scried me as innocent. I thought that might have been a snatcher gambit, so I didn't trust him too much, but the PM I just got from him seems just off enough to feel like a
different person. For reference, this is the PM I just got back:
It's Day 2, and we're on the verge of death. You need to tell who you scried and what you found, and you need to use a lot of words to do so. Seriously, if you don't have, like, five paragraphs detailing what you found, what it means based on yesterday's voting patterns, and what our long-term strategy is like, then you're probably not really Frocto anymore and I'm going to be outing you for the body-snatcher you are.
I looked at SCD, and he wasn't evil either :<
Since ra-kel didn't make a kill vote yesterday ryg either grabbed her or you ffffffffffffffff so mad i voted ramses.
This feels less like Frocto's actual response to what I said than a manufactured response out of things he's said in here and in the past. He also completely disregarded my instructions to post "a lot" because, frankly, the more he posts, the more opportunities he has to slip up in his persona.
That Bitch From Avatar needs to get in this thread now and defend herself—but I strongly suspect I'm going to be voting for her anyway.
(I find it interesting that he'd claim SCD is innocent. I'm actually inclined to believe that, since if I'm correct in my suspicion that he's a body-snatcher, we might be inclined to lynch Kuumba next. It's too early to really think about voting strategies for tomorrow, anyway; we need to find a snatcher RIGHT NOW and everything else can wait.)