Player roster:
Before we begin, every player must create a new account, then use it to send me a private message containing that account's password. No particular theme will be enforced; it will not be necessary to disguise their true owners. These accounts will be used for playing the game in the thread, and their original creators will be disclosed at the start of the game.
Two (edit: not three) of the nine players will be body-snatchers (read: wolves). Each night, one of these players will body-snatch one of the other surviving players. I will log into the targeted account, change its password, and give that password to the body-snatcher (as well as notifying the account's previous owner that that they've been killed). The account that the body-snatcher previously occupied will be found dead the following day. Body snatchers do not get an action on night 0.
During the daytime, you vote to kill one player. Upon death it will be revealed whether that account was controlled by its original owner (and, thus, was innocent) or a different one (infected by a body snatcher). You must vote for somebody.
One of the innocents will be a seer. The seer targets one account at night, and is told whether that account is controlled by a body snatcher. This action takes place after any body-snatching, so if, for example, the seer and a body snatcher both target Jim on the same night, the seer will be told that Jim is controlled by a body snatcher. The seer gets a scry on night 0, and the record of the scries will not be deleted if the body-snatchers take control of the seer's account.
Body snatchers win when they control half of the surviving accounts or more; innocents win when both body snatchers have been killed.
The game will begin at night 0 when nine new accounts have sent me their passwords and the names of their original owners.