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Author Topic: Tell Me About Your Realm  (Read 997 times)

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Tell Me About Your Realm
« on: January 22, 2010, 11:42:05 AM »

Assume that you have to tell somebody about your realm and that they have absolutely no prior knowledge. Feel free to share rumors and wild stories and shit too.

Wyrmrest Accord is jokingly called second worst in progression, but progression is such a pointless term in the latter half of 2009 and moving into pre-Cataclysm/No-Hard-Modes 2010 that who cares. There's the obligatory 2-4 big guilds on each faction that can do progression content anyway, making it even more pointless.

What makes Wyrmrest Accord magical is that it's some sort of giant, big gay magical pasture and preserve where RP is the norm rather than the secretive, exclusive nature of ten xenophobes on a mislabeled PvE server.

I like it because it results in fruity, abnormally polite people. Also a lot of saps on the AH.

In the wild hearsay department..

Cho'Gall is 20:1 Horde:Alliance. There's like, 10,000 Horde for 500 Alliance. On a PvP server. 4chan was trying to drum it up as WoW: Hard Mode and start a guild called BroGall there. Almost vaguely interesting enough to take up, but I get the feeling they'll all lose interest as soon as reality comes crashing down. Also, I say vaguely because a guild-chat of /v/ that never ends. /v/ has one of the most toxic cultures, so... close, but no cigar.


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Re: Tell Me About Your Realm
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2010, 01:12:00 PM »

Ysera is pretty much your run of the mill PVE server - about 4-5 progression guilds on each side and a big pool of mediocre players to run normal mode pugs with. What sets Ysera apart is a persistent xenophobia towards server transfers and guild transfers to this day that stems back to when a transfer guild stole the AQ gate opening at 2 AM on a tuesday morning to make sure that the other five guilds with nearly complete scepters couldn't get their bug mounts. As a result, "I don't like you, this server does not like you, we're full, go away" has sort of become a meme towards newcomers.



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Re: Tell Me About Your Realm
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2010, 04:12:40 PM »

does your server have its own urbandictionary entry?

then get the fuck out.
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Re: Tell Me About Your Realm
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2010, 06:03:57 PM »

What sets Ysera apart is a persistent xenophobia
