I recently (like two years back) watched through Enterprise, every episode. Personally, I don't see why it gets such a bad rap. Or rather, I do, but why people tolerated Voyager's shit BUT NOT ENTERPRISE'S SHIT is beyond me.
Anyway, Enterprise's storyline changed season to season.
Exploring! A real sense of wonder as the first humans to ever leave their safe little bubble and set down on new planets and meet new species. Turns out the galaxy is pretty fucking hostile! Better actually get our ships some weapons! Also, time shenanigans/temporal cold war.
More Exploring! Turns out the Vulcans are sort of... dicks? Also, time shenanigans/temporal cold war. Also also, Borg Episode.
Oh shit! A giant space ball flew to earth and blew up Florida from orbit! Millions dead! Tucker's sister dead! The ball came from the Expanse, a weird region of space that drives Vulcans CRAAAAAAZY! Go kill whoever made the ball! Turns out some people who were being manipulated by time shenanigans made the ball! Oh no stop the bigger ball that is going to crack the entire planet earth! Also, time shenanigans/temporal cold war. Also also, Zombie Vulcan Episode. Also also also, the best episode in the series where an alternate timeline is explored where Earth got blown up and the remaining 6,000 humans struggle to survive while being hunted down to extinction by the Xindi.
Oh shit! The time shenanigans have invoked Godwin's law, and gone back to aid the Nazis win the war! Archer and co stop them. Silik, the main time shenanigan antagonist, teams up with Archer to fight the greater time shenanithreat and dies. Then some shit happens and it turns out, that plot thread from season 2 about the Vulcan's being dicks? Yeah. Romulans. Shadow governments. Drone ships. Later, an episode taking place entirely within the Mirror Universe without any of the original characters entering it. Mirror Archer is a dick! Mirror Hoshi is a bigger dick! OH SHIT WE ARE BEING CANCELED BETTER WRAP THIS UP UHHHH JUMP AHEAD X YEARS TO THE FOUNDING OF THE FEDERATION AS SEEN THROUGH THE EYES OF RIKER DURING THE TNG EPISODE ABOUT THE PEGASUS YOU KNOW THE ONE WITH THE SHIP THAT COULD PHASE CLOAK STUCK IN THE ASTEROID THE END