Yeah, action was really not what Star Trek was supposed to be about. Maybe some sweet shoot-outs or fist fights here and there, but I mean, the Federation is supposed to be a fleet of science vessels. It was supposed to be about figuring shit out, not barrelling the DELTA FLIER through an exploding sun every week.
Turns out there is one decent episode of Voyager!
(starring Red from That 70's Show as the big bad)
That was the episode that made me quit watching the series. I kept hanging with the series because there were all the hints from early time travel episodes about the "year of hell." I had visions of a season long arc where the ship became gradually more and more ragged as the voyager crew fought off foes on every side with no resources and heavy casualties. Instead I got a two part time travel episode that wrote itself out of continuity.
Well understand first that the entire show is a complete farce. Voyager is just Lost in Space where the robot is a STONE COLD FOX. They used time travel so heavily and so constantly that by the time they were done I'm pretty sure the REAL Voyager crew had enjoyed a thoroughly uneventful cruise from A to B with no apparent mishaps along the way.
You have to go into Year of Hell with the understanding that nothing in Voyager ever mattered, ever. Just enjoy the spectacle.