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Author Topic: TOP FIVE VIDYA  (Read 5618 times)

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« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2010, 07:30:41 AM »

SMW2: Yoshi's Island is the best game ever made and I enjoyed it more than any other game.  I had fun at every point during that game, which is something I can't say about any other game.

I've played more DOTA/Heroes of Newerth than any other game, so that has to make the list.  The hero arena genre includes a single decent game, and that is it and it is very good.  Ten player team multiplayer that isn't a muddled grenade spam mess?  Unreal.

I'll think of 3 other games later.


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« Reply #21 on: January 28, 2010, 09:43:35 AM »

Fallout 3 for the greatest exploration high I've ever known.

Team Fortress 2 for the most hours and best accessible multi-player game award.

Pikmin 2 for the better than the 1st which was basically a perfect game + adding incredibly fun multi-player.

Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door for making me giddy and doing everything right.

Devil May Cry for filling my dark soul with light.


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« Reply #22 on: January 28, 2010, 09:44:49 AM »

ah, yes, Thousand Year Door makes my list easily.

I suppose I'll also have to add Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past, as it is the best Zelda game and probably the only one worth replaying (though Ocarina of Time was high quality)

I think my criteria for a Top Five Vidya is that I've already played the shit out of the game and yet I would still gladly load it up right now and play some more of the shit out of it.


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« Reply #23 on: January 28, 2010, 10:57:39 AM »

That was pretty much my criteria, though using that basis, I could arguably swap TF2 for Mother 3.  That is more the ease of jumping into persistent multiplayer game than finding the time to really sink into an RPG though.

I'm curious; have you played the GBA original?  Because while that game could circle somewhere in my top 20 if not my top 10, I thought the DS one was pretty much horseshit.
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« Reply #24 on: January 28, 2010, 12:35:48 PM »

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask for combining all the elements of a game to create and subtly explore (from many perspectives) an extremely original setting, and make you care about NPCs with about a dozen lines total. Also good puzzles.
Star Control 2 for being possibly the only game with almost entirely good writing, and because taking down a Dreadnought with an Eluder never gets old.
Super Metroid because everybody knows it's just so damn good.
Whichever Dragon Quest is my favorite on any given day. Right now, I'm leaning towards 3. This is still technically only just listing one. Why? Because the games deliberately combine the pleasantly familiar and highly addicting properties of grinding, gambling, questing, and Akira Toriyama, while removing the flaws of the same by varying the encounters, skewing the odds in your favor, balancing the difficulty so you can always win but you'll also probably always have to work at it, and getting somebody else to do the writing.
And, finally, Super Smash Bros. Brawl because any game that can get me to put up with that kind of lag for so many hours has got to be doing something right.

There are some games that it pains me not to be listing here, but you said no more, and so there will be no more.
...but is it art?


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« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2010, 02:39:57 PM »

Fallout 3 for being a game I have played through six times and not done even half the content - also for being better than both the first and second game by a wide margin, which says a lot considering how good the first two games were.

Phantasy Star IV for being the first game to make me cry - and for being a game that still holds up on playthroughs in my adulthood, something I can't say for most other RPGs.

Silent Hill II for being a game that I cannot replay by sheer virtue of how fuck scary the apartment building is. I've tried, and every time I get to that point of the game I start having an anxiety attack and have to turn off the console. If you want to talk about psychological horror, holy shit this game.

Diablo II - this is the game that made me repeat my first year of high school twice. I regret nothing.

Nethack - for being My First Roguelike and the game that introduced me to a genre I dearly love.

Miss Cat Ears

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« Reply #26 on: January 28, 2010, 02:55:19 PM »



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« Reply #27 on: January 29, 2010, 01:36:45 AM »

Jet Grind Radio.

Other entries pending as i think of things i like as much as Jet Grind Radio.


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« Reply #28 on: January 30, 2010, 05:45:02 PM »

1. Morrowind - One of the few games I've enjoyed to the point of exhaustion. I'm reasonably sure I've clocked more hours in this game than any other, and that's just counting gameplay, not including all the time I spent soaking up lore through books and dialogue. It's a game that really satisfied my ADHD. I could be on a quest to clear out a tomb and end up sidetracked to the point where I was across the continent helping a trader deliver his shipment.  The game expects you to explore and rewards you for it. I still haven't done all the quests either!

Oblivion doesn't compare much. Morrowind has the better atmosphere, it's more immersive, and it just feels bigger There's more variety in both what you do and how you do it.

2. Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness - This is the comfort food of my game collection. It's simple and enjoyable and I have fond memories of it. I suppose it was an early example of open ended gameplay, and being that the plot is fairly linear, does the job: you smash the door, pick the lock or cast "Open" but the result is the same. The music is superb and the graphics are as good as 256 colours can be, and I wish I could find the voice version.

Hm. Three through five... I'd probably put Portal or Bayonetta on the list but I've never actually played either of them.


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« Reply #29 on: January 30, 2010, 08:19:39 PM »

1. Morrowind

I actually picked it up on Steam recently. I haven't made it very far but everything kills me and I miss things that I hit. I'm fairly sure it rewards perseverance eventually but I must admit I have a hard time convincing myself to play more and find out.

Maybe it's just some sort of early-game hump to overcome and then you get badass and everything becomes awesome?


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« Reply #30 on: January 30, 2010, 08:29:12 PM »

Pretty much, yes. You can get killed by poor planning and mudcrabs. The game has a sort of perversimilitude where things are deadly in the beginning and will stay deadly for a little while, then you go back and murder everyone that looked at you cockeyed. It's sort of like that Charles Atlas ad, only with more N'wahs.

Sujamma is your best friend for the first ten levels.


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« Reply #31 on: January 30, 2010, 09:22:17 PM »

Like most WRPGs, especially Bethesda ones, your build can make the game challenging or piss-easy.

I think Redguard may be Morrowind's Easy Mode, but don't quote me on that.


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« Reply #32 on: January 30, 2010, 09:45:07 PM »

Redguards and Orcs are really powerful, as are Dark Elves. Basically stick with the best weapon your respective race gets bonuses to and don't deviate from that in the early game. (Later on you can raise skill with any weapon rather quickly and won't have tow orry about enemies killing you before you can hurt them.) Redguards and Orcs get amazing stat boosts, with Redguards having an amazing racial (adreneline rush) Dark Elves get good stat boosts and 75% resistance to fire.

You should probably build your own class - in the short term picking the weapon you want, the armor you plan to use and speechcraft/mercantile as primaries will save you a LOT of time and money and grief early on - an advanced player usually won't take their primary skills as skill tags at all, but that's not something you want to do because it makes the early game MUCH harder. Also take personality and luck as your tag stats and The Lady as your birthsign. This fucking helps a LOT with shops, where you will be fucking around a LOT in the early game before you can manage to do the more difficult dungeons and quests.

An easy starter is an orc with medium armor and axes. Get a big two handed axe early on (in the first town pref.) and bonemold armor. (If they don't sell this in Seyda Neen, they sell it in Balmora. The big bug looking things outside of Seyda Neen can take you to various towns, there's one outside every major settlement with it's own list of where it can go.) Once you get these two things you're set to do all the opening quests around Seyda Neen and Balmora and to do the guild quests in Balmora. You can also do a little exploring around these two towns and Pelgiad (a town between Seyda Neen and Balmora, but with no silt strider access, you have to walk) without worrying too much about getting killed.

Medium Armor in the long run isn't the world's best choice, you need to install the adamantine armor plugin (or have Tribunal) to really make it worthwhile, but Orcs get a big bonus to it and it offers better protection than every light armor save glass and is much much lighter than all of the heavy armors, which is something you WILL notice, even if you have very high strength - Daedric Armor's weight is goddamn ridiculous and the heavy armors you get before it aren't much better.

Battle Axes also hit very hard.

If you don't mind being morally ambiugous, you can steal everything that isn't nailed down - as long as you do it outside of the view of other characters. There are shops with alcoves out of the view of the shopkeeper where you can steal half their stock. You can then turn around and sell their shit to the shop across the street or in the next town over or whatever. Just make sure you don't try to sell it back to the shopkeeper, he will notice and him and his guards will wreck your shit.

oh yeah

if you go into a vampire lair and contract poryphoric hemophilia

get thee to a priest to cure your disease. don't fucking wait or you will regret it.


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« Reply #33 on: January 30, 2010, 10:19:18 PM »

I made a Breton with spears, light armor, and every spellcasting skill except Destruction. (I had taken Destruction at first but then restarted when I realized it was bullshit.) I suppose that's not exactly making things easy for myself then; I see that making a combat oriented character is probably a better idea to begin with, but franky if I wanted a first person slasher I'd replay Dark Messiah or something. If I got the game in the first place it's because I wanted to play with making spells, which I hear is a process that offers a lot of freedom.

My favorite thing in the game so far is seeing that guy fall out of the sky with several scrolls of something like +1000 acrobatics, and then being able to use one of those, hop six loading zones over and splat on impact like a 1929 investor. That's the sort of thing I'd like to mess with. With less splatting on impact if I can help it.


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« Reply #34 on: February 08, 2010, 02:02:05 AM »

5. Trauma Center: Under the Knife - For selling me single-handedly on the DS, an exemplification of the system's strengths, and being one of the most enjoyable game of the past decade.
4. Hotel Dusk: Room 215 - For being the single-most absorbing gaming experience I've ever had.  No joke, no hyperbole.
3. Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII - For being the greatest second-century China simulator ever.  And selling me a PS2 (again, no joke.)
2. Star Control II - For simply being one of the most thoughtful, well-designed games ever created.
1. Final Fantasy VI - I can't really express why without becoming excessively verbose, but nostalgia only accounts for so much.  For everything that it is: A fast-paced, approachable game that's content to let its players mash the attack command, but still detailed and intricate enough for even the most ardent stat-whores.  For being such an easy game to break, with never needing to do so.  For a story that's Serious Business, but nevertheless remains lighthearted and optimistic throughout (proof that, in this case, you can have your cake and eat it too).  For wonderfully detailed spritework and animations that still look good today.  For having a clever and excellent localization that I can only appreciate more now that I know the kind of work conditions Ted Woolsey had to deal with.  And for having what is simply the best soundtrack written for a video game.

I could elaborate more, but you get the idea.


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« Reply #35 on: February 08, 2010, 03:29:24 AM »

Final Fantasy 5 for being the single most perfect JRPG.
1. Final Fantasy 5 - I can't really express why without becoming excessively verbose, but nostalgia only accounts for so much.  For everything that it is: A fast-paced, approachable game that's content to let its players mash the attack command, but still detailed and intricate enough for even the most ardent stat-whores.  For being such an easy game to break, with never needing to do so.  For a story that's Serious Business, but nevertheless remains lighthearted and optimistic throughout (proof that, in this case, you can have your cake and eat it too).  For wonderfully detailed spritework and animations that still look good today.  For having a clever and excellent localization that I can only appreciate more now that I know the kind of work conditions Ted Woolsey had to deal with.  And for having what is simply the best soundtrack written for a video game.

I could elaborate more, but you get the idea.

There, that's better.

Miss Cat Ears

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« Reply #36 on: February 08, 2010, 06:35:05 AM »

5. Trauma Center: Under the Knife - For selling me single-handedly on the DS, an exemplification of the system's strengths, and being one of the most enjoyable game of the past decade.
4. Hotel Dusk: Room 215 - For being the single-most absorbing gaming experience I've ever had.  No joke, no hyperbole.
3. Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII - For being the greatest second-century China simulator ever.  And selling me a PS2 (again, no joke.)
2. Star Control II - For simply being one of the most thoughtful, well-designed games ever created.
1. Final Fantasy VI - I can't really express why without becoming excessively verbose, but nostalgia only accounts for so much.  For everything that it is: A fast-paced, approachable game that's content to let its players mash the attack command, but still detailed and intricate enough for even the most ardent stat-whores.  For being such an easy game to break, with never needing to do so.  For a story that's Serious Business, but nevertheless remains lighthearted and optimistic throughout (proof that, in this case, you can have your cake and eat it too).  For wonderfully detailed spritework and animations that still look good today.  For having a clever and excellent localization that I can only appreciate more now that I know the kind of work conditions Ted Woolsey had to deal with.  And for having what is simply the best soundtrack written for a video game.

I could elaborate more, but you get the idea.

5. Totally awesome game guy dudebro
4. Most boring game ever
3. what
2. what
1. what


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« Reply #37 on: February 08, 2010, 07:08:32 AM »

I love Hotel Dusk and I love Torgo so there.


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« Reply #38 on: February 08, 2010, 07:09:25 AM »

Star Control 2 is the best game on there, everyone should play it

Miss Cat Ears

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« Reply #39 on: February 08, 2010, 07:11:18 AM »

I only play puzzle games because I'm bad at everything else. I might also like Torgo if he changed his avatar as that is all I'm judging him on.
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