Still Tweeting- Envy - - - Kayma - - - Newbie - - - Friend - - The Dead- Bleck - Indian - Hanged D1- Transportation - Baner - Nightkilled N1- Drethelin - Vanilla - Nightkilled N1- SCD - Serial Killer - Lynched D2Rules1) Breaking any rule will result in an instant mod kill.
2) No talking about this game outside the game thread unless your role PM specifically allows it.
3) Do not quote any part of any PM from me or use any method to try to prove your role to another player.
4) No editing or deleting posts.
5) This is my color. Do not use it.
6) If a player has not posted within a reasonable length of time they may be prodded. Prods are cumulative, and three prods result in replacement. Giving a public notice of absence grants immunity from prods.
7) There is no time limit on days or nights, but see rule 6. I will always wait a short time after getting the final night action to ensure nobody metagames based on player logins.
8) Roles are randomly assigned by die roll.
9) Signmaker's powers > Protections > Serial Killer kill > Werewolf kills > Other powers
10) I can change the rules but will avoid it at all cost.
11) A majority vote of no lynch will end the day with no lynch.
12) Anon players accepted.
13) No more than 140 characters per post including spaces and punctuation.Living Roles1 Cowboy - Can stake out one player each night to see who targets them with any abilities. Does not learn the role of any players caught using powers in this manner. The Cowboy wins when the Werewolves are both dead.
1 Vanilla Innocent - One living player is a normal innocent. Normal innocents win when the Werewolves are both dead.
1 Werewolf Signmaker - Can swap the signs on two players houses, causing all powers that would normally effect player A to effect player B instead, and vice-versa. The Werewolf Signmaker wins when his team outnumbers or equals the number of non-werewolf players at dawn, or when nothing can prevent that from happening.
An example of the Signmaker's power: The Indian targets Player X. The Signmaker swaps Player X with Player A. Now the Indian learns who Player A targeted that night instead. In this example the Indian would be aware that a switch took place, as the response from the moderator would read, "Player A targeted nobody last night" instead of, "Player X targeted nobody last night."1 Werewolf Shaman - Can secretly lock-down one player at night, preventing them from using any powers. The player who is locked down cannot be the target of any powers. The Shaman can protect himself or the Signmaker if he chooses. The Werewolf Shaman wins when his team outnumbers or equals the number of non-werewolf players at dawn, or when nothing can prevent that from happening.
Important PostsVC01 - The First VotecountVC02VC03VC04 - Bleck's WagonEnd of day 1 - Bleck's Lynch