...So yesterday, I hung out with Brad and Felipe while they brewed their latest batch (which Brad had named Outstouting, but I suggested Stoutstanding is better and they agreed).
At some point over the evening, Felipe informed us of a truly heinous beverage: Bud Light & Clamato Chelada.
Clamato, as the name implies, is clam + tomato.
I'm going to give that a little bit longer to sink in.
Bud Light + clam juice + tomato juice. (Also, lime and salt.)
So of course, being
idiots men, we had to go down to the gas station and experience this horrific product. (Felipe lives in a heavily Latino neighborhood, hence the availability; his Mexican brother-in-law professes to actually like the stuff.) Being less
manly idiotic than the others, I only took a sip; they managed to drain their glasses.
The best possible description I can give of the stuff is courtesy of a Google image search for "chelada":
It's true what they say about pictures' and words' relative worth.
(Brad has made that picture the wallpaper on our media computer.)