a more aggressive and concentrated force push.
Such a refined technique could be used in much more lethal ways. A choke, for example.
But anyway the morality of the Jedi is pretty clear on this point. Flicking a person in the nuts is only an evil option if two other options are present that are less damaging, such as not flicking the person in the nuts or giving the person a very fluffy puppy. If, however, the options are flicking a person in the nuts, not flicking a person in the nuts, or raping the person's very fluffy puppy, then flicking the person in the nuts is considered a neutral option. If it's a choice between flicking a person in the nuts, raping the person's fluffy puppy, or blowing up The Planet of Fluffy Puppies, then flicking the person in the nuts is considered good and puppy rape is merely neutral.
All Jedi are presented with exactly three options at all times. This is because of, I don't know, midichlorians or some shit.