There will be two threads. One for team BLU, and one for team RED.
Each team will have nine players on it. For a total of 18 players.
HEAVY: Shoots at one of the enemy team members each night. Can only kill Snipers, Scouts (because he's using Natasha), Medics and Pyros.
MEDIC: Protects up to two players. May include himself. Protected players are immune to any and all deaths that night. Cannot protect himself twice in a row.
PYRO: Spychecks once per night. His spycheck is SO EFFECTIVE he can actually use his flames to SEER, learning that players role. Kills the Spy if he hits him, though.
DEMOMAN: Lays down stickies that protect the case. One of two players needed dead before case can be captured by enemy team.
ENGINEER: His Sentry protects the case. One of two players needed dead before case can be captured by enemy team.
SNIPER: Shoots at one of the enemy team members each night, but can only kill Heavies, Demos, Engies and Soldiers. Everyone else is too fast and moving around too much. And this is a good Sniper, so he won't shoot other Snipers.
SCOUT: Cannot be backstabbed as he is too fucking fast. Wins the game faster if alive. (see below)
SOLDIER: Shoots at the enemy team. Can only kill Demomen and Engies.
SPY: The object of the voting for each team. You have no friendly spy on your team, instead, each team has an ENEMY spy on it. Each night, the Spy may attempt to backstab one player. Can't kill the scout. If he backstabs a player the Medic is protecting, he learns their class. CANNOT BACKSTAB THE ENGY AS THE SPY IS NOT GOOD AT STAB-SAPPING. Instead, just learns who the engy is.
Each player is on his team, but one of them is a spy. Each player ONLY knows his or her own class. Each day, team BLU and team RED vote to spycheck a player. If the spy is checked, he is killed. In addition, as long as the PYRO is alive, he can spycheck another player.
The objective is for your team to kill both the enemy's engineer and demoman. After this happens, the case is unprotected. If your scout is still alive, he runs in and caps immediately, winning the game. If not, it takes one more round to win, and if the enemy team still has their scout they can theorectically win by killing off your Engy and Demoman that night and capping first.
If a team loses all means of killing the enemy demoman and engy, they lose immediately. For this to happen, the Soldier, Spy, and Sniper all must be dead.
At the start of the game, each player will be told his class and ALSO who their friendly spy is on the other team. They may send messages TO the spy privately, but the spy CANNOT PM his own team, as it blows radio silence and exposes him. (He can PM his fake team mates though.) If the spy wishes to communicate with his own team about something he's learned, he must do so in the thread of the team he's pretending to be on.
Generally, each team tries to find the enemy spy on their team while also trying to find and kill the enemy players. Each player has a role and power, so each player lost is a blow to your team in some fashion. (Losing the pyro means you only get one spy check per day, losing your engy or demo means you're halfway to losing the game, losing your medic means no more protection, etc)
Questions? Interest?