I understand what you're getting at - the problem I have with your point is the association you're apparently making between things that are 'provoking, interesting, they can hold great truths', and the piece of shit indy games that Cactus makes.
I agree with Geo in theory, but Cactus just makes me
I'm all for games as art, but if all we're going to get is 'games as bad art' I'll take a pass until someone can do the job right.
Anyways, my list is kinda hard since I tend to be very forgiving with games and I am really good at avoiding unforgivably bad games. So I guess these are games that have just wronged me in some way.
Passage: Damn you for beating me to it Lobst. I hate Passage. Apparently art is a totally unsubtle, unclever metaphor for life and death that doesn't actually make me think of anything. It's barely even a game at that, but I guess that doesn't matter.
I really can't embrace a game as art that lacks any amount of sophistication. All Passage accomplishes is making people lazy when it comes to making 'art'.
Seven Minutes: Another Indy game, one that bites my work (which I don't necessarily mind) and does so poorly(that part sucks) AND replaces a lot of the creativity with TERRIBLE SYMBOLISM.
This game offends me. On it's own, without knowing any better, it's just a sorta crappy masocore game with some decent atmosphere that only lasts for 7 minutes. But to REALLY beat the game you stand in one place for 7 minutes. Then you ascend to godhood for my wisdom.
Also it's like an Adam/Eve metaphor story.
A STUPID metaphor story.
The part that makes this even worse is it was really well received by the indy community for being clever. SIGH.
Left For Dead 1/2: Good example of a game that just is wrong to me. I can't say with a straight face that L4D is garbage, but I can't help but to find it intensely unfun.
I feel if the zombie theme was removed, there wouldn't be much there. Atmosphere and theme are legitimate additives to a game, but L4D seems lack much of a core game. The fact that it's mutliplayer also sorta removes the atmosphere and tension in my eyes. I end up feeling like I'm playing a shitty doom. The game is also stuffy! Don't be risky, group up and just carefully move through the whole game in a monotonous fashion.
Also god verses mode. So I get two choices (and not really since I need to play two sides).. Either play the stuffy, boring survivors, or play the fun Infected and then... well... die after I do one thing and then wait 20 second.
So really as I see it, the game is all glitz and little actual game. And I say this actually from playing a lot of L4D, because thats all my friends would play.
TF2's Item System: I mean, this isn't a GAME, it's part of a game, but nothing else has annoyed me more. It baffles me that such a well designed game can be corrupted by such poorly thought out trash. And there is so much that make it extra stupid. You're more likely to get items you already have? REALLY?! WHY! WWWWWHY!
Oh yeah, useless crafting system that is so resource intensive that you'll likely have everything you want before you can use it. All it really works for is melting items into hats. Thanks Valve.
BlazBlue: This game was such a huge disappointment to me and in ways no one here will really understand. Beautiful, big sprites and weapons, who attack like they either have T-Rex arms, or move in slow motion.
Also the worst throw system in history.
Hell the worst game systems in history. Terrible guardbreak, Negative Penalty that effects rush down characters more then zoners. Totally predictable their list based on game system..... and no subtleness in the game. Gimmick vs Gimmick, nothing more, nothing left.
I doubt the new one will be much better, but maybe it won't make me gag.