Thrill as Kazz angrily defends his unrecommended purchasing decisions
once again!He's got a point, though. If you know what the hell you're actually buying, and don't mind all the
gambooya it's giving you, then you have every right as a buyer to
(NOTE: I say this as a user of Windows Vista.) Thad and Detonator apparently haven't repeated the main issue enough, however: 99% of the people buying this game
don't know what the hell their Kool-Aid is spiked with. It's illegal when Zango does it without warning, and it's illegal when EA does it without warning too.
For my part, if Spore had managed to keep my attention long enough to launch and not had such mixed reactions, I very well might have risked SecuROM opening another hole in my swiss-cheese of a security setup (I do not keep anything important on this computer.)