Split topic because I think this could be a good discussion on its own.
With all the piracy in the news lately, they can't do nothing.
This may be true for major video game distributors, but I'd like to note Amazon's mp3 download service for being a major distributor that shuns copy-protection. A different market, I know, but it's a major company recognizing that DRM
hurts the paying consumer. Spore is a very big release, and this immediate backlash may be newsworthy beyond just gaming sites. It
could turn the public's eye against DRM in video games, but that might take a lot more. After all, most of us put up with Steam, and that does all
but install untraceable malware. Maybe that's all we ask.
Wait. Didn't we already do this thread?
Yeah, but I'm not digging that shit up. Now that this is actually
out, we can discuss the effects of SecuROM instead of just speculating.