dn and alex seem to have missed the point of this thread
Have you played Arc the Lad II? Rhetorical question,
of course you haven't. Enemies frequently block dozens of attacks in a row for incredibly reduced or even completely nullified damage -- not to mention how frequently they evade attacks as well. Not to mention the bizarre level curves; at level 35 you'll end up fighting several level 50-65 enemies, often in a row (and dear, whatever you do, don't fucking backtrack, because they will spawn again).
Oh, and dungeons often last upwards of two hours and there aren't any save points. Not exactly cheating, but it is a dick move.
And no, I'm not mistaking difficulty for computer cheating. Arc the Lad II was released by fucking Working Designs. They fully admitted to artificially ramping up the difficulty while they were bringing it over, and the only way to do that would be to fuck with the stat calculations and whatnot.