Getting the idea from Bongo's body snatcher thingy, I thought it might be fun to run a game where everyone knows who the wolf is, it's just a matter of finding him.
In this case, it'd be Guild.
So the way this would work is everyone would sign up and make an alt account, just like in Bongo's game. The alt accounts aren't anon, they're just alternate. For ease of quick identification, I'd request everyone's alt account makes it obvious who the original was/is. (i.e. Niku2, Brentaur, Fried Squid, etc)
Then, once everyone has done this, Guild will select a starting player to bodysnatch.
Obviously, the player who is snatched will have to not let anyone know this. There's no seer, or roles, the game is simply finding and murdering Guild.
I'd purpose that the lynch not actually kill the player, just ascertain it's not Guild. Then the night happens and Guild jumps to a new body, leaving the previous dead on the ground.
What this means is Guild has to impersonate, as best he can, different posters. Guild is capable of this, I think, but not so capable that he'd be undetectable.
Depending on the number of players I get to sign up, you may have to catch Guild more than once, giving him a fair chance. Also, I don't think I'll require him to fufill normal wolf win conditions, instead, just evading detection a certain number of times, depending on how many players there ends up being. Probably, if he's got more than one life, catching him might up this number.
Anyway, it doesn't have to be Guild specifically, but I think he might be the best person for this sort of thing. If he doesn't want to play, I'll let someone else be the Snatcher.
Sign ups and questions go here. Once I know how many players I have, I'll iron out the specific rules.