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Author Topic: Babble about a video game you are playing  (Read 236953 times)

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Re: Babble about a video game you are playing
« Reply #1940 on: June 30, 2009, 12:43:23 PM »

Hey, when you're done with Painkiller you can play Overdose!  ::D:

Alright so I hear it is pretty bad. But is it "not as good as Painkiller but still okay", or is it "if you were the president and someone threw Overdose in your direction, a secret service agent would leap in front of you in slow motion and scream NOOOOOOOOO"?

Research suggests that it was originally a player mod and feels like one.  I suppose it comes down to whether or not you liked Final DOOM and that sort of thing.


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Re: Babble about a video game you are playing
« Reply #1941 on: June 30, 2009, 01:11:23 PM »

Alright so I hear it is pretty bad. But is it "not as good as Painkiller but still okay", or is it "if you were the president and someone threw Overdose in your direction, a secret service agent would leap in front of you in slow motion and scream NOOOOOOOOO"?

Using Painkiller as a frame of reference, Battle Out of Hell would probably be the standard for "not as good as Painkiller but still okay."  Overdose is... uh.  Oh boy, um...

Okay, so... take Caleb from Blood, and remove all but about half a dozen of the one-liners he says in combat, and add a couple level-specific comments that vary in quality from bad to very bad (alternately, take Caleb from Blood II).  That's the protagonist.

Next, combine the laser from the painkiller's secondary fire with the shot from the demon morph, at their original power levels (which, for those of you who haven't played Painkiller, means that they're pretty darn powerful)), and stick them both onto a severed head.  That's your starting weapon

After that, make the following modifications to the weapons: Reskin the painkiller; reskin the shotgun but make the spread wider and add a noticeable delay between firing the freezer and firing a shell to shatter someone; reskin the chaingun/rocket launcher; reskin the boltgun from BOoH and have it fire less bolts per shot; reskin the stakegun and replace the grenade launcher with the flamethrower from BOoH, only both the stakes and the flames are neon puke green.  Then, add a knife that shoots homing skulls and exploding fetus bombs.  That's your arsenal.  :tldr: version: You have mostly Painkiller's weapons, but they're not as good with the exception of the starting weapon which outclasses everything.

Level design!  Take Painkiller's levels and have someone make more levels for it only make sure they have no idea as to what made Painkiller's levels good!  Brotip: Spawning those slow, giant enemies with no melee attack in droves?  Not a good plan.  Spawning enemies on top of you?  Still not a good plan.  Small arenas?  Ridiculous level conditions?  Stealing chunks of levels wholesale from BOoH, including about 75% of Loony Park?  What the hell is wrong with you?

It's... not that good compared to Painkiller.  It's not even that good compared to most FPSes.  If you can get it for free then I'd say try it but don't expect much.  Or anything.

Research suggests that it was originally a player mod and feels like one.  I suppose it comes down to whether or not you liked Final DOOM and that sort of thing.

Oh, woah woah woah woah WOAH now!  Final Doom... yes, that was a (commercial and id-endorsed) player mod, but Final Doom was fucking incredible.  It was made by people who knew how to make Doom levels, which is good, because if they didn't know how to make Doom levels odds are they wouldn't have been approached in the first place.  The politics behind what happened with Evilution is ancient history as far as I'm concerned, but equating Final Doom with Painkiller: Overdose?  No way.  That shit ain't gonna fly.

Quasi-related tangent: The two guys responsible for The Plutonia Experiment - Milo and Dario Casali - managed to get the by impressing id Software.  Later on Dario was picked up by Valve for Half-Life, HL2 and TF2.  You know Ravenholm?  Gold Rush?  Badwater Basin?  All him, baby.


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Re: Babble about a video game you are playing
« Reply #1942 on: June 30, 2009, 01:28:27 PM »

Wow. I was kinda looking at it because it was five bucks but that really doesn't sound like it's worth it. Also I tried the demo and the second level killed me instantly twice for no discernible reason. (After reading your description it feels like I might have been telefragged by a spawning enemy. That or an enemy with an instant kill attack spawned right behind me. Either way, it's completely bullshit.)

Skipping it. Thanks.


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Re: Babble about a video game you are playing
« Reply #1943 on: June 30, 2009, 01:46:08 PM »

Alright so I hear it is pretty bad. But is it "not as good as Painkiller but still okay", or is it "if you were the president and someone threw Overdose in your direction, a secret service agent would leap in front of you in slow motion and scream NOOOOOOOOO"?


Research suggests that it was originally a player mod and feels like one.  I suppose it comes down to whether or not you liked Final DOOM and that sort of thing.

Oh, woah woah woah woah WOAH now!  Final Doom... yes, that was a (commercial and id-endorsed) player mod, but Final Doom was fucking incredible.  It was made by people who knew how to make Doom levels, which is good, because if they didn't know how to make Doom levels odds are they wouldn't have been approached in the first place.  The politics behind what happened with Evilution is ancient history as far as I'm concerned, but equating Final Doom with Painkiller: Overdose?  No way.  That shit ain't gonna fly.

Quasi-related tangent: The two guys responsible for The Plutonia Experiment - Milo and Dario Casali - managed to get the by impressing id Software.  Later on Dario was picked up by Valve for Half-Life, HL2 and TF2.  You know Ravenholm?  Gold Rush?  Badwater Basin?  All him, baby.

You forgot the Enemies all have ludicrous amounts of hp (the screaming head does as much damage as the original's demon morph shot which was a one hit kill on EVERYTHING but the head often takes 2 or more screams to kill things)  and a severe lack of ammo on most stages that left you forced to use the bladed rubiks cube with terrible hit detection.

And somehow the secrets were MORE BULLSHIT than in the original (They were hard to find in the original, but were usually worth the effort, in overdose, they are hard to find and have nothing that makes expending the effort worth it)


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Re: Babble about a video game you are playing
« Reply #1944 on: July 03, 2009, 09:40:43 PM »

Neotokyo is out. I played a few rounds, and it's pretty damned good, but the most impressive thing is just the detail in the art assets. I say these guys should all get jobs but, so far as I know, they already have.


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Re: Babble about a video game you are playing
« Reply #1945 on: July 03, 2009, 09:59:14 PM »

its a lot like CS, but WAY goddamn better.


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Re: Babble about a video game you are playing
« Reply #1946 on: July 04, 2009, 06:12:31 AM »

I was playing it last night. It has a lot of polish until you decide to play it. Capture the titbot becomes irrelevant after the first map, and then everyone turns it into deathmatch with respawn timers (which is probably what the actual deathmatch will be like). Most of the guns don't seem like they do any damage until you accidentally mow down a room full of people. And then you never kill with that gun again.

In my opinion, the game should be a bit faster. It seems like a slower CS with mostly useless cloaking. You still have the initial bloodbath, and then you have the 1-3 people per team jacking off on opposite sides of the map for about an extra five minutes. The game could use a lot of work on the actual gameplay. It is better than CS, but not good enough for me to play anymore than I already have.


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Re: Babble about a video game you are playing
« Reply #1947 on: July 05, 2009, 12:09:35 AM »

Yeah, there is something goddamn wrong with the hit detection.

And CTF never goddamn works when you can also win by killing the entire other team.

i find it kinda funny that they put all that effort into making the maps so goddamn bright and colorful, but then you have the BROWN-O-VISION goggles on 90% of the time


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Re: Babble about a video game you are playing
« Reply #1948 on: July 05, 2009, 01:49:08 PM »

The problem is that all of the guns suck except for like two, and you can't figure out what the rest are doing when you are plinking away at people.

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Re: Babble about a video game you are playing
« Reply #1949 on: July 05, 2009, 01:53:52 PM »

I'm trying Silent Hill: Homecoming again because I just discovered that there's a trick to avoiding knife fights with nurses: turn off the flashlight, walk - not run- past them, and try not to bump into anything.

I'm still annoyed to shit about the piss-poor save point placement.

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Re: Babble about a video game you are playing
« Reply #1950 on: July 05, 2009, 07:04:36 PM »

I'd like to take a moment to yell in joy: I got past the part I gave up on last time! Yay me.

Also: Nurses are pretty susceptible to headshots. Much easier.


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Re: Babble about a video game you are playing
« Reply #1951 on: July 05, 2009, 11:00:27 PM »

Familiarize yourself with taking down the scissor-legged guys, because you'll end up facing three at once, eventually.  No running allowed.

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Re: Babble about a video game you are playing
« Reply #1952 on: July 05, 2009, 11:01:22 PM »

. . .


Fuck you Double Helix.


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Re: Babble about a video game you are playing
« Reply #1953 on: July 05, 2009, 11:39:19 PM »

There's a surprise, afterward!   ::D:

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Re: Babble about a video game you are playing
« Reply #1954 on: July 06, 2009, 04:59:42 PM »

I beat the first boss -- surprisingly easy, considering how obnoxiously difficult regular enemies can get to be. Speaking of which, [spoiler]this proceeding sequence in which I'm escaping the Police Station from some of the most quite possibly dumbest looking monsters in Silent Hill history is giving me a bit of trouble.[/spoiler]

. . .


Fuck you Double Helix.

Now, I just don't get this. Silent Hill 2 is pretty much considered the best game in the franchise. Pretty much every sequel has tried to copy it in some way or another. It's also by far the easiest entry in the series. So why. the. FUCK. does each new game try to outdo the last in terms of difficulty? It wasn't so bad in Silent Hill 3 because you get a fucking fuck yeah KATANA pretty early on that pretty much tears through everything the game can throw at you.

There are three monsters directly transported from Silent Hill 2 to Homecoming (Nurse, Patient Demon-esque Smog, and of course Pyramid Head). If Silent Hill 2 was so great, why aren't there multiple difficulty levels for both Combat AND Puzzles? Or just an Easy mode at all? Not that hard to implement.

And why isn't there a damn Katana? Katanas make any Silent Hill instantly better.


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Re: Babble about a video game you are playing
« Reply #1955 on: July 06, 2009, 07:26:06 PM »

No katana, no chainsaw, no wacky weapons at all.  No joke ending.  Sigh.  Although 4 didn't have those, either.  Not sure about origins.

Also, I miss the puzzles of 2 and 3, 3 especially.

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Re: Babble about a video game you are playing
« Reply #1956 on: July 06, 2009, 08:28:20 PM »

Yeah, I liked Silent Hill 3. It wasn't quite as deep or profound as Silent Hill 2, but it sort of made up for it with jizz-in-your-pants style.

You remember how you get the submachine gun, right? [spoiler]Basement floor of the hospital, there's a wheelchair on its side, busted elevator doors cracked open, and blood and bullet holes fucking everywhere.[/spoiler] How badass is that? Not to mention the Haunted Mansion in the Amusement Park. And the way you get the silencer for your pistol. Oh, and the FUCKING KATANA FUCK YEAH.


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Re: Babble about a video game you are playing
« Reply #1957 on: July 06, 2009, 08:49:12 PM »

Goddamn it, I'm gonna have to play through 3 again.


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Re: Babble about a video game you are playing
« Reply #1958 on: July 06, 2009, 08:54:30 PM »

Yeah, that's about right. 3 vs 2: not as smart; twice as slick. It's weird how well it works, since slickness was pretty low on my list of demands for a Silent Hill sequel. But after thinking it over, yeah, I think 3's my favorite.
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Re: Babble about a video game you are playing
« Reply #1959 on: July 07, 2009, 06:59:31 PM »

PsEG and I played Worms 2: Armageddon.  Definitely an improvement over the first Worms for XBLA.

Some new stuff (I think) are this bull that charges and explodes several times, and a sentry gun that looks suspiciously like a level 2 sentry.  I don't know if it's possible to sap them, but PsEG had one dude sitting back away from the battle, so I ninja roped over there, dropped the sentry, and beat feet.  Immediately afterward, that worm's turn came up, and he lost it immediately as the sentry unloaded on him.
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