Yeah, I fucking hate Cactus. I think he's liked JUST because he makes 9 games a day. But you know what? They all fucking suck, so who cares? Pixel has only ever made like two games, ever and he's way cooler than Cactus. You know why, because one of those games was Cave Story and it ruled. I'm all for people actually completing lots of games, but it shouldn't be a reason to love a developer if he has no other redeeming features.
Everyone loved Shotgun Ninja just because it had cool looking retro graphics, but the game is fucking ass. It's slippy as fuck and the level design is completely uninspired. I wish I had made more games than I have, but I never want to be like Cactus and have a list of 20 games I've made in the last year with stupid game makers that all suck and didn't need to be made for any reason.