Still playing even more Bad Company.
In roughly one out of every five games my teammates have one or more of the following traits:
A squeaker (Child under the age of 13).
A team killer.
Primary language is foreign.
Does not understand how to drive a vehicle.
Refuses to use the motion tracker devices in the Recon class, because they do not do damage.
Wants to spend the whole game trying to shoot enemy troops with the tracer gun, which is meant to flag vehicles.
Refuses to leave the vehicle in order to repair it, and is the appropriate class to do so.
Will not drop a medkit for you, is on your team, and is even using voice-chat.
Upset about not getting to the chopper in time to take it, plants C4 on it while the rotor powers up, kills allied pilot.
Uses spawn-on-squad, appears near allied sniper, fires rocket launcher leaving a giant smoke trail to sniper position.
Stabs you because you're sitting on the artillery gunner seat, and it is 'his'.
Stabs you because you didn't shoot the guy who shot him.
Stabs you because he thought you were the enemy, after using squad-spawn, appearing behind you, and the IFF flags you friendly.
Can't be bothered to adjust his mic, so emits a constant stream of static during play. (Mute solves, but annoying.)
Constantly takes passenger vehicles, does not stop for passengers, usually runs them over, ditches vehicle in water or impact with building, assaults on foot.
Stabs/shoots you because 'only the enemy runs away from the attackers base / defenders base' (The one opposite your team.)
Stabs you because you're not talking to him on the mic.
Stabs you because you're not playing the class he keeps telling you to play.
Stabs you because it was funny.
In the middle of the assault, goes completely idle. Angry parental person heard in background of their voicechat.
Spends more time trying to use an exploit to get to a ridiculously high sniper spot on the map than fighting the enemy.
Does not understand the words 'cover' or 'concealment'. (Snipers get pretty good ghillie suits in this game.)
Is only concerned with the lumberjack achievement. (Destroy 1000 trees.)
Is concerned with only blowing up objects with c4 for achievement. (Destroy 1000 objects.), though the annoying ones I'm getting at are mostly INSIDE YOUR OWN BASE.
Only uses the smoke launchers on a tank in the center of your base, as the attacking team. (Nothing to defend there.)
I AM TALKING TO PEOPLE ON THE INTERNETS! (See first entry of list.)
MY FINGER SLIPPED, LAWL! (See first entry of list.)
WHERE IS THE DEATHMATCH? (See first entry of list.)
Those other four out of five games however, tend to be pretty much spot-on awesome. I'd like to see more wars turn into 'screw our goverment, THERES GOLD HERE! WE CAN BE RICH!'