Oh, the splendor of the mini-chainsaws. I like to call them the holy blades. Stock up a few spares and hand them to any non-pussy survivors and watch them become slightly less irritatingly prone to death! This is better than giving them shotguns as they tend to shoot YOU if you get anywhere in front of them at all. Uzis might be better lackey weapons though, depending on your rescue strategy. Keep in mind that guns have infinite ammo in the hands of survivors (and no, you can't give any of them the Real Mega Buster
). Then again, melee weapons last forever for survivors too. Why can't one of those fuckers handle the zombie menace while I chill at the food court eating microwave pizza and drinking wine?
What's odd is that the normal-sized chainsaw sucks a big one. It's powerful, sure, but it's slow, unwieldy, lasts about as long as most other weapons (that is, not long at all), and worst of all it's too big for the inventory, which means if you want to use something else (like an OJ) you have to drop the chainsaw. Ick. I'd rather have a simple 2x4 or lead pipe, all things considered.