So I started playing Exteel a couple days ago. Battlin' robuts, nothing really special about it, but it's decently fun.
But I found out something really amazingly stupid. You start off with 25,000 of Moneys. These moneys go quick when you're trying out various weapon types and setups and upgrades, trying to figure out what you do or do not like - since you've got two hands with which to carry weapons, and two setups for those hands that you can switch between, there's a lot of variations. I managed to blow through all my starting money, and all my earning, before figuring out what sort of setup I'd like. Of course, I'm at a fairly hefty penalty due to all the money wasted buying, testing, and then reselling stuff. So, I figure, no problem, I'll just delete my character and restart now that I have some idea of what I want to do in this game, right?
Turns out, nope. Can't do that. It's an NCSoft online game - so you have your global PlayNC account, which all your other games are mini-accounts under. Each Exteel account can have at most one character on it, which cannot be deleted or restarted and whose stats and inventory and whatnot are just your account's stats and inventory. And you can only have one Exteel account per PlayNC account. So in order to start over in Exteel, I would basically have to create an entire second identity on the NCSoft web system. It's ... madness. If the game weren't free-with-micropayments, I'd be intensely furious, but as it is they just managed to kill all my enthusiasm in one insane design decision. Seriously, that sort of absolute permanence on the account, and then the absolute refusal to allow a second account on the same global thing ... that's just retarded. And quer.