Well, Kabbo says he has his videos recorded, sooooo time for the
Brentai was partnered with none other than Niku. His original idea of making Niku "play" Progress Quest for an hour was disbanded and he instead made our favourite pile of meat turn a Sweet House into a Sweet Home.
Well, Kabbage was asked to recommend games for none other than Brentai! Fraglantly flying in the rules of decorum and good grace, he demanded LPs of like 500 goddamn shooters what the hell. Nice one, Kabbinnewyork.
Reaverbot gave Kazz a choice of Flying Unbirth Ninja or Somari.
A choice between a fetishistic, gross-out game that makes the player want to vomit... or Flying Unbirth Ninja.
Kazz chose wisely.
Constantine got to ask Roger to play some games. He went with The Haunting (you bastard), Terranigma (you double bastard) or Metal Warriors (FUCK YEEEAAAAAH). Roger tossed his common sense aside and did Terranigma for some reason.
Roger got paired up with Detonator and he must have really hated Detonator, since he gave him all the Nes games he played when he was a child. We are looking at Hydlide, Fester's Quest, Solar Jetman, and LJN's X-Men game. Then, because he's such a NICE PERSON, he also added Solstice and Milon's Castle. God just fuck you Roger, you son of a bitch
Kazz asked Kabbage to play... Well, you'll see.
I wanted to do one of those cheesy one-liner descriptions for this one, so here goes. You can outrun the ENTERTAINMENT of Niku asking Constantine to LP Jurrassic Park on the SNES as well as you can outrun... A RAPTOR!!!
You'd think Jurrassic Park would be easy to base a videogame on, right? Apparently it's fucking impossible! Nevertheless, a LOT of raptors got rocketlaunchered and boloed today.
Detonator asked Reaverbot to play Super Putty. I honestly have no clue why, aside from the whole MIGRAINE-INDUCING HORSESHIT DIFFICULTY.