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The absolute most infuriating thing on the road is...

The guy who won't pass anybody in the passing lane.
- 11 (12.1%)
The tailgater.
- 10 (11%)
- 2 (2.2%)
Old people who think the speed limit is half what's posted.
- 8 (8.8%)
Gigantic White Pickup Truck Driver
- 8 (8.8%)
The Geo Metro.
- 1 (1.1%)
9.3 years of construction THAT NEVER GETS WORKED ON.
- 14 (15.4%)
Stop signs.
- 0 (0%)
People who ignore stop signs.
- 8 (8.8%)
- 5 (5.5%)
Phone/food/makeup users.
- 13 (14.3%)
- 7 (7.7%)
Anybody who passes me.
- 4 (4.4%)

Total Members Voted: 48

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Author Topic: Driving Can Be Frustrating  (Read 33723 times)

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Re: Driving can be frustrating.
« Reply #220 on: February 11, 2009, 10:48:16 PM »

My mom intentionally ran a red light just to piss me off today.  I think she wants to kill us in a firey car explosion sometimes.  She thinks it's funny, but it's really just horrifically stupid and dumb.  She sucks at driving and her driving makes me crazy whenever I'm forced to be in a car with her.  It isn't FUNNY to drive terribly.  It's dangerous and stupid.

it'll be even funnier when she kills someone else and she comes out of it totally fine


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Re: Driving can be frustrating.
« Reply #221 on: March 03, 2009, 09:07:41 PM »


Lady Duke

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Re: Driving can be frustrating.
« Reply #222 on: March 03, 2009, 09:20:08 PM »

I'd get out of my car and kick that person in the side for being such a dick.  And then I'd get back in my car and drive away.  Or I'd at least call the cops, maybe not get out and kick them.


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Re: Driving can be frustrating.
« Reply #223 on: March 03, 2009, 09:26:43 PM »

Oh man, N'importe Qui wins again.

That guy is a champ.


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Re: Driving can be frustrating.
« Reply #224 on: March 03, 2009, 10:19:49 PM »

There was a candid cameraish prank show on Comedy Central for a while from the UK .. Trigger Happy TV, I think?

Funniest thing I ever saw on TV was a man in a giant turtle costume very slowly making his way across a crosswalk.  When he made it halfway, a man in a giant rabbit costume went tearing ass past him.
i'm a blog now, blogs are cool: a fantastic machine made of meat


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Re: Driving can be frustrating.
« Reply #225 on: March 03, 2009, 10:22:29 PM »

I was just about to mention Trigger Happy TV.  Those skits are the funniest thing ever.

There's this guy that's asleep at a convenience store, and what looks like a normal service bell.  When the customer rings, all these sirens and lights start flashing, and the sleeping guy just hits the button to shut everything off and go back to sleep.


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Re: Driving can be frustrating.
« Reply #226 on: March 04, 2009, 06:11:07 AM »



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Re: Driving can be frustrating.
« Reply #227 on: April 12, 2009, 09:20:03 PM »

Driving home just now, I was passed by a Delorean with the license plate "OUTATME".  :wuv: :wuv: :wuv: :perfect:


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Re: Driving can be frustrating.
« Reply #228 on: April 13, 2009, 03:13:00 AM »

There's one in Toronto with a license plate that says 'jigowatt''


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Re: Driving can be frustrating.
« Reply #229 on: April 18, 2009, 03:28:56 PM »

I swear to God that no less than three unique cars coordinated pulling out in front of me at the last second without right of way.

I was dropping literal FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCKs and punching my glovebox after the third life-threatening brake-check in ten minutes. And I drive at the fucking speed limit, so these are some god damn fire discipline pros..

is it that fucking hard to look BOTH ways before a turn


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Re: Driving can be frustrating.
« Reply #230 on: April 19, 2009, 09:48:35 PM »

I've been getting a lot of this on the freeway lately: The right lane is going about 55-60 when the speed limit is 65 (which is fine, I know some people who do that to save gas), but some douche in the passing lane is going about 60-65 and holding everybody up who needs to, y'know, pass. It's not an uncommon problem, but it's been happening a lot to me lately, and I wish I could launch a rock with a note attached to it to the guy ahead of me to suggest that he just merge to the right lane.

This is the pet-peeve which inspired this thread. I hate it when people don't realize they're blocking traffic. HATE.

I believe I've said as much before.

My all time road rage moments are from people driving in the passing lane with no regard for the speed of vehicles behind them trying to pass. I don't care if you're going 104 mph and the person behind you wants to do 105, you are obligated to allow the other vehicle to pass you by moving into the driving lane.

Otherwise, what you are doing is illegal.


My left rear-view mirror was exploded by an orange road construction barrel on the freeway last month, and after I got it replaced it seems to be internally damaged someway, and is pointing at the road instead of behind me, meaning I have to turn all the way to the left and look directly backwards, which is getting harder to do with these love-handles and aging and something near my kidneys (?) hurting nonstop... and whatnot...

Driving can suck it. I was snowed into my driveway for two days on Monday and Tuesday. We still don't have power at the house right now. Also a tree exploded from the cold and landed in the pool, demolishing a section of the fence. Another one was blocking the driveway, so my mom's boyfriend and I cut it up with dull chainsaws and hauled it off the road, not that it mattered with a foot and a half of snow on the steeply inclined drive. Down. Toward the house. Very fast on black ice.

Black ice is everywhere in Placerville. Probably be cleared up a bit today, I hope.


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Re: Driving Can Be Frustrating
« Reply #231 on: June 19, 2010, 10:47:02 PM »

Last week highlighted some particularly horrible driving moments.

This one day, I was in the right turn lane.  There was a lady in the lane to my left (also a right turn lane) who was pulled out so far into the intersection that I couldn't see around her to check if I was clear to make my turn.  I got a good enough look at her to see that she was texting.

Topping that: the first time I have ever actually LEANED on my horn, not merely pushed it, a few days later.  A truck with a trailer apparently realized, right before hitting an intersection, that she had to make a left.  So she drove across three lanes of traffic to do it.  I leaned on my horn because I couldn't fucking swerve to avoid hitting her; if I'd swerved left, I'd have hit a median and oncoming traffic, and if I'd swerved right, I'd have hit her fucking trailer.

To her credit, she seemed fairly embarrassed by this, as after she turned she pulled off to the shoulder and waited until I had passed her and another guy was behind me before she started driving again.

Still, I am confident that if she had been a brown man instead of a white woman, she would have been pulled over and asked for her papers.

I mean, if there had actually been a police officer there.

Because as it turns out, even HALF A MILE FROM THE POLICE STATION there's never a cop around when you need one.


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Re: Driving Can Be Frustrating
« Reply #232 on: June 20, 2010, 10:07:58 AM »

From Facebook: In the space of half an hour, I've had to slam on my brakes to avoid running over jaywalkers, gotten cut off twice, had to sit through several blocked intersections, and nearly got T-boned by someone running a red light. Hilarious irony (sorry Brent): I was on my way to traffic court to pay for someone else's clerical fuckup.


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Re: Driving Can Be Frustrating
« Reply #233 on: June 20, 2010, 10:13:31 AM »

And from two months ago: One guy in the regular lane, one in the right turn lane, at a stoplight. Light turns green. Guy in the turn lane darts out and drives straight through the intersection. Guy in the regular lane lunges to the right and makes a turn. Friggin' beautiful.

Ted Belmont

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« Reply #234 on: September 17, 2011, 09:24:09 PM »

What is it about seeing a dude riding a bike that makes people act like morons? On my way home, I was yelled at three times, honked at, and some guy got within a foot of me and revved his engine as high as he could.

I responded to each of these with a loud "FUCK YOU!" and a raised middle finger(which loses a bit at night, since you don't know if they even see it, but it made me feel better), with the exception of one of the yellers, because I couldn't understand what he was saying. It certainly wasn't English, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't any human language. Maybe it was Klingon.

On the other side of the scale, on my way to work, a very nice lady who was at a stoplight next to me said hello and asked how I was. So not everyone around here are assholes, just most of them.


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« Reply #235 on: September 17, 2011, 09:35:49 PM »

My friend has an irrational hatred of people on bicycles. He is also either a moron or the greatest troll. Both are equally possible.


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« Reply #236 on: September 17, 2011, 09:43:20 PM »

Around here you're considered some odd deviant if you don't at least ride recreationally, so we don't have that problem.  ONE REASON TO MOVE TO SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY



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« Reply #237 on: September 17, 2011, 10:01:18 PM »

My friend has an irrational hatred of people on bicycles. He is also either a moron or the greatest troll. Both are equally possible.

Charles Stross has had multiple threads on his blog derailed by people arguing about whether cyclists are dangerous nuisances or whether it's drivers who are at fault.  He's started threatening to kick people out of threads for bringing it up now.

Me, I've spent enough time as both a driver and a cyclist to believe that there's a much higher percentage of responsible cyclists than responsible motorists, but since motorists are a much bigger chunk of the population it's the stupid cyclists who give the rest a bad name.

Which is why I'm probably more offended when I see a cyclist do something monumentally stupid -- cross before the light changes because he doesn't realize that herp derp it's going to change to an ARROW before it changes to a light, or bike one-handed while talking on a goddamn cell phone.


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« Reply #238 on: September 17, 2011, 10:15:23 PM »

2. Regarding throwing rocks: my dad (who I cannot use humor without mentioning) claims he used to carry around little steel ball bearings for dealing with drivers who endangered him or otherwise gave him shit when he was on his bike.  As with many of his stories, I do not know how much (if any) of this story is true, but the important thing is that in one telling he exclaimed, "Let's see you catch me in traffic, you cracked-windshield-ass motherfucker."

Just for your consideration, Ted.


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« Reply #239 on: September 17, 2011, 10:15:59 PM »

bike one-handed while talking on a goddamn cell phone.

i did this one time. when i grabbed the brake handle to stop before a car hit me coming out of a driveway, and it was the front brake, i stopped doing it ever again.
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