The game is already pretty good. In a overall sense I think maybe Terran has received too much love, and I'd like to see more DYNAMIC abilities added to the Zerg to make them less bland in comparison to the other races. The latest patch added a bunch of new stuff, but I haven't been able to play it much since the patch also broke the hell out of battlenet.
Micro is defiantly an interesting part of SC. There is a difference between being able to click really fast, and being able to keep a cool head and make fast, smart decisions. I mean, hand speed helps, but they're not superhuman. They're just clicking really fast, really well, exactly where they need to be clicking.
I'll give two examples of good micro and bad micro, both from Star Craft 2.
Bad Micro: Zerg's main macro ability. I don't think anyone really disagrees about this. In case you don't know, the Zerg Queen saw a total revamp. It now can be built early and has this ability called "Spawn Larva". It is a spell that targets a hatchery and then the Queen barfs on it. ~40 seconds later, 4 bonus larva pop out. In that same exact length of time, the Queen has recharged the energy to do it again. So, basically, Zerg is tied down to this 40 second timer where if they don't go back and use Spawn Larva EVERY 40 SECONDS, they are yielding advantage. Sure, the Queen has other abilities to spend the energy on, but nearly 100% of the time you are using the energy on spawn larva.
I know what Blizzard was aiming for, and I really do like a lot of 'problems' that Spawn Larva solved. Zerg no longer need to have tons of Hatchery's to keep up unit count, as theoretically if you manage to use Spawn Larva on time you'll never be wanting for Larva. And it IS a real skill to be able to keep a clear head in a pitched battle and not forget about your macro.
Would the game be better if the Queen automatically spawned larva?... maybe. I lean more towards 'no', as Zerg is already the most dull race in the game, and making the Queen automatically do a lot of the lifting macro-wise would make them even more so. still <3 Zerg.
Good Micro: ...just about every other click-to-use ability and micro-oriented strategy in the game? Honestly I think people might just have a misunderstanding of what Micro is. How would Psionic Storm work automatically? Or Force Field. Force Field is an EXCELLENT example of a good ability that rewards Micro. It has such incredible tactical flexibility that comes with a price; skill in micro/your willingness to micro the unit instead of macroing your base.
Honestly speaking I'm more of a Macro player, I win the majority of my games by expanding smart, keeping a cool head during confrontations and making sure my production structures are never idle. But I won't handwave all Micro skills away just because they don't' fit my specific playing style. I think it is greatly to StarCraft's credit that you can go into the game with vastly different skill sets and compete.
It's like in a fighting game, where "comboing/execution" is analogous to Micro. Would Fighting Games be better if there weren't any execution barriers? It's totally a taste thing and not objective at all.