So, why the fuck are they releasing Eversion on Steam now? I can't think of a stupider release for a online service at the moment.
Hey guys, lets take a really charming little game that one really talented and compassionate Brazilian guy made, change nothing and call it an "update" and then charge for this abomination when anyone with a 56k modem and a pentium 2 can download the superior original for free. Who the fuck thought there was any reason to do this?
You know what made Eversion cool, the fact that a guy made it out of nowhere, by himself and then you downloaded and it felt really cool and polished and you were like, "Hey, this game is sweet. I wish this had existed for the NES back when I was a kid or that there was some way I could go back and play this then, cause it's a lot cooler than a lot of the shit that came out back then when people didn't give a shit about videogames."
The characters were awesome and the graphic style was awesome. The game was fun to play just to dive in and see how deep Zaratustra had actually made it. When you finally beat it, it turned out it wasn't really THAT long or THAT deep, but it was a lot of fun figuring that out. More importantly, it still delivered way more than you expected.
To release this now, for money, with no added value and all the charm of the original playing experience completely missing... I just don't get it. Why didn't they just hire Zaratustra to make a new game, something worthy of anyone's money. It would have been a huge success and Zaratustra would have made all the money he deserves for his hard work. To instead release this for five people to buy and probably not even think much of though, it's such a fucking waste of time and money.