I recently heard that Google was going to phase out using Windows in house because of security problems. My first thought was "Oh, so their going onto their own OS." Then the article mentioned they weren't phasing out the use of macs or linux. Fuck, I would think google of all companies would realize that Macs aren't actually safer, they just have less viruses because historically they haven't been used as much, especially in the areas that virus makers would target and they haven't switched over yet because windows still has more of the OS market share even if Apple is now officially worth more. And that goes double for linux, which is the least safe because of it being open source.
I'm starting to think that a good portion of the internet is becoming a propaganda mouthpiece for Apple product advertising. I keep telling myself that Apple isn't paying them, and I'm pretty sure they're not.... But there is just too much shit about them for it to be a possibility that a disproportionate amount of editors have Job's dick stuck down their throats and I have no idea why.