Hello there guys, How are you this fine day?
I'm a Game master with a couple years worth of experience under my belt. I'm looking for a few players who are interested in playing in a Horror oriented Gurps game.
The premise of the game is thus:
The PC's are ordinary mortals with access to some extraordinary abilities who will encounter supernatural horrors in modern day new york. The starting year will be 2006. Magic is real, but a secret that is guarded jealously by those few individuals who know it.
Players will be given 150 Points with 75 Points in disadvantages and a limit of 5 quirks. The only exotic or supernatural trait that I am allowing without having to get my consent is Magery, up to level 2. All base Attributes have a limit of 15 and for the love of god, don't create any kind of character that will obviously not experience terror in with a Modern Horror Setting.
For example, acceptable character archtypes are:
The Paranormal Detective
The Devout Nun
The Drug Addicted Street Thug
The Friendly Hooker
The Retired Cop
The Cynical Construction Worker
Unacceptable chracter archtypes are thus:
Th Mystical Ninja
The Swat Team Member
The Gulf War Commando
Sam Fisher, of Splinter Cell Fame
Any final fantasy themed character
Mike O'reilly, Creator of "I want to be the Guy: the Movie: the game"
There will be 3 planes of Existence. There will be Paradise, The Skinlands and the Shadowlands. Players start in the Skinlands, AKA Reality as we know it.
I will be running the game via OpenRPG, since there won't be much tactical combat in the game I see no reason not to use it. I'll try to have a room open in the most populous server under the name "Valley of the Crucified: Gurps 4e Secret Horrors" during the week after 5pm EST.
If interested, you can reach me via AIM or yahoo mail.
AIM: Setuthua
Yahoo Email: xxdeadearthxx at yahoo.com
Hope to hear back from someone =)