For this generation, there is no such thing.
The problem is getting anybody to admit that.
That quote is the root of all that is wrong in the US military, and why I look forward with glee for the cuts that are being made by both Gates and Canada's own chief (the one in the uniform).
There are too many office jockeys and suits who have never been out on the lines who believe they can interpret the commanders intent and translate that into understandable rules of engagement better than the veterans, which are in a very large supply right now. Add the diplomatic offices into the works (there is not much love for the un-uniformed crooks working in state these days for the people who've been there again and again and again), and put together a team of the best, most experienced Afghan and black staffers who love the sharp end, and articles like that were going to happen sooner or later.
That being said, if Obama punts the 4-star, he will lose Afghanistan and the next election. I will put money on that.
It was more tragic than that even.
When you boil it down, McChrystal is smart enough to realize that killing civilians is going to destroy anything you do faster than you can ever hope to rebuild it. It was probably the single biggest problem they had. But it's all come way WAY too late.
You can see McChrystal's lost the room and can't really convince the rank and file. In the article they say that when McChrystal's there and explains the rules of engagement, the troops get it, with the problems starting after he leaves. But even in the little scene they describe, the soldiers
don't accept it. He just seems to be saying "I know it's hard guys, but you gotta have faith." without really explaining it in a way that anybody really
believes in it.
I mean, the guy is willing to put his life on the line to be with the men and show that he means what he says, but even that's not cutting it. Nobody's getting anywhere and soldiers are simply getting frustrated to the point where they just want to kill shit - but if you go that route, you're fucked anyway.
They lost the war 3-5 years ago, for a variety of reasons. They haven't stopped the money. They haven't stopped the weapons. And they've only increased enemy recruitment. And now they're all trapped in the hell without end together.
Fuck, I'd give someone massive credit just for openly saying they should just go "Look, we lost. We didn't do this right and now it's gone to hell with no hope of recovery. Sure, it's selfish as fuck, but we're broke, only a minority of people here want us to stay, and none of our allies seem to give a fuck about something that'll probably hurt them before it hurts us, so we're leaving. Now. No 'advisors', no aid funding, nothing. We lost and we're just going. Bye."
That too would be the wrong decision in many ways. It would directly cause the deaths of thousands of vulnerable Afghans and be a huge victory for international terrorism (of course, there is the argument that says international terrorism has already won, just by bleeding so many trillons away), but just once I'd like to see someone stand up and say something like that, just for the sheer
balls of it all. At least it might prompt an honest discussion of what to
do, as opposed to the usual blithering horseshit.