There's a difference between firebombing the powers, and disabling their electronics, TA. And while I have gone off the deep end, I still think that it is a much more sane tactic than fighting the insurgents on one end while giving billions of dollars to the nation which indirectly finances them with weaponry and madrassas for recruiting. Also, at no point did I declare that I hate all Muslims nor Muslim states. That is untrue: Jordan is still gradually getting its act together after they dispensed with the PLO in Black September.
Also, your premise on the correct individual are incorrect as they do not reflect the character of the actual individual, but instead reflect the inferior military culture which is still in the process of being quashed. Here are my premises on why the man would make an effective POTUS:
-The last competent republican president in the oval office was Ike
-man in question took mission that was about to fail and turned it around
-man in question has real track record of using opinions of competent individuals of all political stripes including anti-war protesters (emma sky), conservative researchers (Australian researcher D Kullian I believe...) and others
-Only book published is not a autobiographical turd basket about a possible way to fix a nation, but a instructive manual on the strategies of operating in an unconventional style of warfare which was so-well assembled that it not only worked in the nation in question, but has been adopted or adapted for use by several other allied nations
-Individual understands nature of logistics, finances, and the "political game"
-There will be no "Swiftboats against this man" campaign
-He is neither engaged, or answerable to public sector unions nor the religious right
Also, it needs to be said that I do not cheer on all people in uniform, but just these two and Odinero (Also Leslie, Natynczyk and Hillier on my home team) only for the reason of "right man in right place" versus the previous generals who mucked things up. This is not blind faith (with likely exception to the bracketed three) as all three have proven themselves effective in endearing circumstances except for one with the media.
PS: Thad the notion of Hillary for POTUS would be very weird. I'm still putting beer on it like I did with myself stating in 06 to friends that the final fight of 08 would be between McCain and Obama when everyone in my realm was looking towards Clinton and some other looney. While I have nothing credible to back this up unlike my other more controversial views, I think this one is more likely to be the case.