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Author Topic: Let's Play: Gabriel Knight- Sins of the Fathers  (Read 2055 times)

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Let's Play: Gabriel Knight- Sins of the Fathers
« on: May 23, 2010, 05:23:25 PM »

I've never done this but I've always wanted to. It's time for a TEXT LP! And what will I be playing? Why, Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father of course! A horror-themed point and click adventure game by Sierra, Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father is the first in a trilogy of games. It features excellently voiced dialogue (the main character is TIM CURRY, who rules) but unfortunately you won't be hearing it as it's a very talky game that doesn't lend itself well to video. But I still wanna LP it, as it's wonderful

I won't be putting all the game's dialogue in here, only plot-important stuff, as well as things that I find amusing here and there.

People this topic is for: Those who enjoy a good story (SotF is not only well-voiced, it's well written), those who like text lps, awesome people

People this topic is not for: People who prefer action packed excitement, people who hate text lps, pussies (this game is too scary to be played by anyone but REAL MEN)

Anyway, without further ado, let's commence with...

We could jump right into the game, but why don't we check the intro first? *click*

A lone gentleman is watching a big bonfire. How mysterious! He has a pretty nice hat though, so why don't we just let lack of explanation slide for now, eh?

Oh shit, that's no bonfire! There's a guy in there! Somebody save him!  :rage:

Yeah dude, I'd be surprised too if I realized that somebody had used a naked guy as kindling for summerfest as well. But maybe you should do somet-




oh my god, that's horrible

A man is dangling from a tree... But how'd he get all the way up there anyway? Looks pretty precarious.  BUT NEVERMIND THAT WHAT IS GOING ON  :rage:

its like some kind of bad dream..

And then our hero jolts up in bed. I guess it was a bad dream after all... Whew. But what was up with all that bizarre imagery? Surely no sane person would have such images in their head at night, right?

Either way.. That concludes the intro. Not a lot of content in this op, sure, but not a lot to comment on for a fragmented dream FMV. I'm going to go ahead and end the first post here because I don't know how well this board will handle this format! If this turns out awful I'd like for someone to delete it while i cry in embarassment. if it turns out good, I'll be posting the second post right after this one. See you then (or maybe not)!


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Re: Let's Play: Gabriel Knight- Sins of the Fathers
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2010, 06:12:42 PM »

Okay, that came off well enough. Why don't we move on into the beginning of the game itself

Day 1 of 10. The game is split into mini-chapters in this way, but you could probably have figured that out on your own, right? Either way, the paperboy rolls by and we see a brown-coated figure enter the focus building to the left... Then our game finally begins to kick into gear.

Our brave hero stumbles out of the curtains after waking up from his freaky-as-shit nightmare, while in the meantime his secretary is chatting with someone on the phone. Meet GABRIEL KNIGHT, our protagonist. Gabriel Knight is a native of new orleans, and voiced by Tim Curry (who provides a wonderfully smoothed NO accent.) His secretary, anime superstar GRACE NAKIMURA is not a native, as you might be able to guess, but is employed at the bookstore that Gabriel owns.

You arent able to turn on subtitles until the oncoming conversation, so I will be typing out this first part to you myself. Sorry! This proccess will -not- be replicated in future installments.

Grace: (on phone) mm-hmm.. I bet. Just a minute. (Looking at Gabe] It lives, I see. Do you want to talk to... "Lolita?"

*Gabe makes a very insistent motion with his arms, signaling "NO"*

Grace: (back to the phone) Sigh... I'm sorry, but Gabriel is a lout... I mean, I mean he's "out."

Ignoring Grace's insult, Gabriel goes and fixes a cup of coffee, apparently accustomed to these early morning "incidents." Gabriel is more than a small bit of a pervert, you will see. Grace, however, also seems to be, consoling Miss Lolita!

Grace: Yeah, if he ever comes back, I'll tell him. You know, you could do better. I know I don't know you.. But you -could- do better. Sure..Bye. (hangs up)

Prepare for a long exchange of text. The game does eventually speed up, I promise! This is handy dandy exposition however.

 Coffee attained, Gabriel comes to a stop and is quickly lectured by his secretary. Geeze bitch shut up, I do what I want   :whoops:

Grace:  Good morning. The phone's been ringing off the hook all morning. Let me know when you want your messages

Gabe: (zombie-like) Uh...

Grace: You're lively. Did you have another nightmare last night?

Gabe: Sort of.

Grace: Mm-hmm.  I told you, it's that voodoo book you're researching.  That stuff can seriously screw up your karma.

Gabe: I'm sure. Maybe I should right a horror novel on passive resistance instead  :whoops:

Grace: Sigh. So, don't sleep. Your body! Anyway, your hand-held tape recorder came today

Gabe gets up and goes to grab it. The tape recorder is actually a gameplay element. It's used to replay conversations you've had with npcs in the past for convenience. So, no need to take notes!

Gabe: Really? Great!

Grace: Can't wait to see what human rights you violate with this one.

Gabe: I can't wait to violate them. For instance, if you would just let me... :whoops:

However, Grace is impervious to Gabriel's charms. She blows him off completely  :nyoro~n:

Grace: And, I managed to locate some local voodoo references for you. Dixieland Drug Store and The Historical Museum of Voodoo. Both are right here in the French Quarter
Gabe: How would I ever manage without you?
Grace: You? Give me a break. The devil himself couldn't change you.
Gabe: Well.. If the devil himself had great legs, perhaps... Like yours.  :whoops:
Grace: And a riveting personality, I'm sure. if you need any more research done, just ask. It's not as though we're swamped with customers.

Finally, with that, we now have control over Gabe! Sorry for all that text and not enough pretty pictures to back it up, most of this scene is told standing still. But don't worry, now that I have turned subtitles on, that's not going to be a problem, right? Anyway, first order of business...These tweezers and magnifying glass just lying here give us a perfect opportunity to exercise a good old adventure game tradition I like to call..


We are free to take both, but it will be a good while before either comes in handy. Nevertheless, we can always use another item or two. Why don't we end this update on a high note as well? Let's check out that stepladder, maybe Gabe will find a sweet item up there too. Also, subtitles! Gabe gets bluish purple subs, Grace gets red.

 :whoops: OH GABRIEL

Gabe: Just trying to refresh my memory..

Grace: I know what you're trying to refresh, and it's not your memory. Now get down.

You win this one  :nyoro~n:



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Re: Let's Play: Gabriel Knight- Sins of the Fathers
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2010, 08:06:38 PM »

Last post for tonight to finish my first update, I can already tell this is going to be stupendously long! But i dgaf :glee:

Anyway, we are gonna look through some more odds and ends in the shop. Let's start by checking this booksheft. What do we find? An english to german dictionary. Gabriel is actually part german, on his father's side. Other than that I can't really tell why he'd specifically pick this book out. He finds the definition for various words, but the only two we are worried about are "drie" and "drache," which mean "three" and "dragon" respectively. Why does this matter? Hold your goddamn horses and you'll find out!  :rage:

Now why don't we head through that curtain into Gabriel's room?

Not much to do in here right now. You can check his type-writer and Gabriel will say he has writer's block (remember, Grace said he was writing a book about voodoo?) and you can sit on his bed but fail to sleep. What we're after is a can of hair gel! Never know what can come in handy when you are


Now we head back to the store's main area and this time choose the interrogate option on Grace. Portrait time! WOO  :glee:

Holy christ. Gabriel is looking pretty  ::(: this morning, isn't he? And he actively -tries- to get that hairstyle? Sheesh. Anyway, you can learn a bit about Miss Grace here. Information such as "Why haven't we gone out yet?" and "How old are you?" (which entail similar answers, "She's old enough to know not to trust men like you!") Why don't we give her her own little profile?

GRACE NAKIMURA only moved to New Orleans a few months ago, as a refreshing change of pace from her life back home. She is a quite intellectual character who enjoys old books, which explains why she is working for a horndog like Gabriel, who runs a Rare Books shop. She enjoys art, as well as practicing Tai Chi.

Anyway, more important than that is the messages. Remember, Grace said she had lots of them for us? Let's look into that.


Gabe: I keep meaning to go over there.  What'd she say? Did she sound good?

Grace: She sounded great, and we had a nice little chat about you.

Gabe: Grace...!  :rage:

Grace: Don't worry. I didn't go into detail about your cardinal sins. Not that anything about you could surprise her. She adores you anyway.

Gabe: She's my girl.

Grace: But she said to remind you to stop by and go through your father's things.

Gabe: Hmmm. Okay.

Well, we need to remember to stop by mommy's house. Gabe's grandmother is the only person in the game with a nicer southern accent than his own. But that's right, you cant hear it! oops!  :whoops: lol

 Anyway, let's ask her about our other messages!

Grace: He told me it was urgent; maybe you should give him a call...

Gabe: Call Germany? Like hell. If it's really important, he'll call back

 :perfect: FUCK GERMANY :perfect:

Grace: Well, fine. Let's just hope he's not with the German lottery for pitiful American authors.

Somehow I doubt it. But anyway, one more left for me.

Gabe: Especially with you. What did he want?

Grace: He left an interesting message. He told me that his mother's maiden name was Humphrey. That's H-U-M-P-H-R-E-Y.

Gabe: That's fascinating.  ::(:

Grace: And he left some photos at the station. At the front desk.

Gabe: it's about time

Grace: Gabriel, those photos wouldn't have anything to do with the Voodoo Murders, would they?

Voodoo murders? What dat?  :nyoro~n: You'll find out on tomorrow's update right before we leave the shop.

Gabe:  Now why would you say something like that?

Grace: Because I know you! You're getting privileged information, aren't you? Did you tell him you'd put him in your new voodoo book?

Gabe: A writer had certain obligations to his readers, you know...  :whoops:

Grace: Gabriel! You know you'll never put him in your book! Your main character is a female orthodontist! You're going to be reincarnated as a pit bull if you keep screwing with your karma.

And now, for possibly the most discomforting rebuttal a human being could possibly ever made...

D:   D:    D:

Gabriel, sweety, girls don't like it when you tell them you wish you were a dog with a gigantic dong! Really!

Grace: That's enough, thanks! Anyway, that's all the messages. Thank god.

Thank god indeed. Now we have two places we can go. Gabriel's MOTHER'S house, and the police precinct in search of Gabe's childhood friend turned detective, DETECTIVE MOSELY. I think we'll be going to the police precinct first.

Well, that's it for the first two posts, collectively making the first update to this threat. Comments and criticisms welcome, I've never done this before. However, don't bother telling me it's boring. The game DOES start out slow, no denying that. It will speed up later on, promise.

See you whenever the heck I update this next!  :perfect:



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Re: Let's Play: Gabriel Knight- Sins of the Fathers
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2010, 01:28:48 AM »

This is pretty fantastic. Keep it up.


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Re: Let's Play: Gabriel Knight- Sins of the Fathers
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2010, 09:36:43 AM »

update coming tonight


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Re: Let's Play: Gabriel Knight- Sins of the Fathers
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2010, 09:32:21 AM »

The board went down so i didn't get a chance to update last night. Its update time now, but only a smallish one before I go to work! Dont expect them to be any more often than weekly though. I'll try to get two-three posts into each

Anyway, we really need to get going to that police station but there are a few things left to do before leave. Namely, let's check that newspaper lying by the coffee machine. Within we find an article related to the voodoo murders...

Police claim the so-called "Voodoo Trappings" found at the crime scene are fake-a scare tactic- and that the murders are not associated with any genuine practitioners.

Hm. What a letdown! But wait, there's more

Apaprently gabe takes stock in horoscopes. Let's see what  :whoops: things are in store for us

Anyway, let's blow this musty old popsicle sta-

OH COME ON WHOS THIS CLOWN  :rage: After doing everything there is to do in the shop, this guy appears. Nice shorts, buddy... Anyway, meet  BRUNO.

Grace: Bruno. How nice.

Gabriel seems slightly less enthusiastic about this man's arrival, perhaps offended by his horrible lisp and tiny shorts.

Bruno: Of yours? HARD-ly.

Grace: How's the flower business?

oh, so this guy also sells flowers? Now -I'm- the one that's kind of offended

Bruno: Well, better than the used book business, I see.

Gabe: RARE books.

Bruno: That explains why I RARELY see anyone in here.  :whoops: Now, are you going to sell me that wonderful painting of yours today?

We have three choices here; "Are you going to drop dead today?", "Is today the day hell freezes over?", and "how much would you pay me for it?." All of which basically amount to Gabriel saying "Fuck off"

Bruno: Well, one needn't be RUDE!

And then he walks out the door. I think we handled that quite like effective southern salesmen! Also, I wish I could show you his walking animation, because it just adds to the flower shop/lisp/bright short shorts/pink socks/etc. Anyway, what was the point of all that? Fuck if I have a clue. Let's just get out of here. I skipped one part of this, because it honestly makes no sense in the long run. You'll see later.

Gabe says a variety of things to his assistant when he leaves or returns, it's quite randomized. However, each time he tries to flirt, Grace deflects his cock like superman deflects bullets.  :nyoro~n: Anyway, now that we're done with the bookstore we have a wide variety of places we can go to! Most of which are very little use to us right at this moment.

That's a church (little use but we will visit it soon for fun), Dixieland Drugstore (we'll go there after the precinct and mom's), a voodoo museum (useless today), a bar (later, ok?!) a city park (We'll visit it soon enough), and finally the Precinct. Let's go there! We select it, and Gabe hops on his bitchin' motorcycle


And here we are. There are several profilic, famous police men like Bald Police Guy, Generic Police Guy, Tan/Black Police Guy, and Butchcop. However, our friend the detective (all detectives wear trench coats) seems to be nowhere to be found. WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT...?

Well, still not a lot. You'll see when i get home from work tonight!


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Re: Let's Play: Gabriel Knight- Sins of the Fathers
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2010, 03:54:15 PM »

However, each time he tries to flirt, Grace deflects his cock like superman deflects bullets.

I thought I should point out that Wonder Woman deflects bullets. Superman just takes them in stride.


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Re: Let's Play: Gabriel Knight- Sins of the Fathers
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2010, 08:03:01 PM »

I didn't expect to get home this late and i feel like shit so once again the update is delayed! Sorry to anyone watching this. I'll make a point of not promising update times again, though this one will definitely be finished ASAP.

Also: i've totally seen superman deflect bullets with his buffness. Example:


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Re: Let's Play: Gabriel Knight- Sins of the Fathers
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2010, 11:05:55 PM »

It looks more like he's about to go supernova.


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Re: Let's Play: Gabriel Knight- Sins of the Fathers
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2010, 07:53:24 PM »

Since our friend the detective isn't here, why don't we just talk to that bald fellow hm? Not like we can go meandering around the station on our own, right?

Gabe is quite polite when it comes to addressing people of authority, it seems! Meet OFFICER FRICK the desk attendant at the station.

Baldy: What can I do ya for?

We get a few choices, namely asking about the voodoo murders, etc. Everyone has a generic option to ask them what they know about either the voodoo murders, voodoo in general, or new orleans. We can also ask him about himself, and Gabriel gives an amusing reaction, saying in an amused voice:

To which Frick gets a bit grumpy

yeaaa, juh wanna fiiiite abawwdit?!  :rage:

Anyway, who gives a Frick about this guy, let's just get this show on the road and ask him where the good Detective is.

Gabe: I'm here to see Detective Mosely.
    Frick: He's out at a crime scene. Sorry.

Frick sounds entirely unsympathetic to our plight actually, but Gabriel's entrance is actually piqued by this.

Frick: Crime scene information is confidential. We don't need any more lookie-loos than there probably already are.

Damnit. You can pry further, but Frick is quite tight-lipped. If we want to find that crime scene, we'll have to look elsewhere.. Wait! Pictures! We came here to get pictures.  I select that option and Gabe notifies Officer Baldybald about this.

Gabe: My name is Knight. Gabriel Knight.

Frick: Yea, I got something for ya, all right. Soon as you're done talking, I'll give it to ya.

Really? Sounds good, you've served your purpose for now anyways.

Frick hands us a manilla envelope. What is within? Well, you'll see in the next episode. You'll also get to see Mom's house, which we have to leave the French Quarter of the city to reach. Sorry such a short update took so long, but even the grand city of frocto wasn't built in a day you know. See you next time!  :perfect:



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Re: Let's Play: Gabriel Knight- Sins of the Fathers
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2010, 08:05:20 PM »

Sorry to anyone awaiting updates, work has gotten more hectic lately. I've tried making an update twice but lost the post -twice.- As a result this is on hiatus. Forgive me!  :nyoro~n:


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Re: Let's Play: Gabriel Knight- Sins of the Fathers
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2010, 02:52:09 AM »

I finally got around to reading this. It rulesd.
"And it is because they have fallen prey to a weakened, feminized version of Christianity that is only about softer virtues such as compassion and not in any part about the muscular Christian virtues of individual responsibility and accountability."