Right, that's what I meant. There's a limit to how straight you can play ROBOT BEARS. Some silliness is necessary -- indeed, welcome. But I could go for less breathing/gravity in space. And try to iron out some of the more jarring plotholes. Like, who the fuck is Vultureman and where did he come from and why are they acting like he's been here the whole time?
The best episodes of the original series were the ones that played it mostly-straight but still had plenty of crazy shit to go around.
On the whole, though? I'll watch this thing, probably religiously, but I think you and I are pretty much in agreement. It'll never give me the same kind of feeling that the original did when I watched it the first time, and it'll be hard-pressed to give me the same kind of feeling that the original did when Cartoon Network finally dusted it off and replayed it when I was 13.