Tried a demo of it at Best Buy, and hated it.
For one thing, it's pretty lol xbawks hueg. To put this in perspective, I didn't actually have a problem with the X-Box controller, and I think this thing is horribly proportioned. While this does make for a really nice looking screen, the simple fact of the matter is I want a cell phone - a device that can easily go in and out of my pocket and make some goddamned calls. If I wanted a oversized portable computer, I hear Apple's come out with something like that.
Secondly, it's virtual keyboard only, which drives me knucking futs. It's actually the major complaint I leverage against the iPhone, too, which has got me roped into bitter diatribes from fanatics about how a real keyboard isn't that important... ones who mysteriously refuse to use their phones for text, and when absolutely forced to type on them end up doing so awkwardly with embarrassed comments. As you might have noticed, I type a fucking lot, so it's kind of important to me.
Third, HTC's interface is kinda goddamn horrible. I dunno how much of it is Android core and how much of it is customizations, but it's hard to choose an app to run without accidentally starting one.
And fourth of course is the fact that the demo unit was conspicuously attached to a huge goddamned power supply. If a phone is going to shut itself off halfway through the workday then it's pretty terrible at its core function: being a god damned telephone.
All of these issues are workable and you can get used to it, but damn it, if I only get to upgrade once a year it'd better be an upgrade that I can live with for a year. Trading in my Blackberry for a brick just to impress my coworkers seems like the sort of shallow Joneses bullshit I've spent my life trying to avoid. So my basic decision wasn't so much "fuck this" as "wait to see what kind of Sprint Android comes next". For what it's worth I thought the Samsung Moment was pretty awesome but I'm sure if I hang on they'll roll out a 4G one with a better battery*, at which point I can pounce on it like a single mother at an Adam Lambert concert.
* Which is the Samsung Intercept due out next month, supposedly. I can wait a single month.