Did you just say 'we wuz heer furst'?
Sort of but not exactly. The land has been under dispute forever. I was more saying that while I'm skeptical of religion in general, I'm more skeptical of religions that are based on others but with additional crap written (or taken over to be interpreted) by an entirely different culture tacked on at the end.
Yes. And also that a location having religious significance to Muslims doesn't matter as much as that location having religious significance to Jews, because the Muslims are wrong and Mohammed was just hallucinating.
No no no. It matters just the same. I'm skeptical of all religion. I'm a Jew because I believe that if there is a creator of the universe, it is a singular, genderless being who does not really care all that much about what goes on inside the universe. And that's closest to Judaism (also, I just don't like most inherently non-kosher foods
). I don't believe any of the bits about anyone talking to god or angels or heavenly beings directly intervening, so I just imagine them as exaggerations, allegories, and lack of understanding of normal but uncommon phenomena.
Anyway, I'm again forcefully reminded that there is no
funuse of ambiguously sarcastic phrasing allowed in
Real World Thad Boyd's panel of death.