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Author Topic: LoL, HoN  (Read 110898 times)

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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1140 on: October 05, 2010, 12:14:10 PM »

Upcoming skins: Spelunker Ezreal, Mechanic Heimer, Popeye Gangplank, and Tommy Gun Twitch.

Edit: And Apparently Eve got a stealth buff.  :nyoro~n:


Her ulti is now an AoE exhaust = Slow AND 100% MISS CHANCE!
Her invis now adds movement speed.
Her E is a dash(?) <3333
I love RIOT.

Thanks to lolwatnaw for this:

Innate: Took the passive out of ult and put it as passive
Q= Spell Vamp
W= Static 40 seconds of stealth and movement speed boost
E= Mini Dash
R= Small Aoe Exhaust that doesn't break stealth


Edit2: "Hate Spike drains 15% [from 20%] of the damage dealt as life and deals 30% bonus damage if the target is alone."


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1141 on: October 05, 2010, 12:19:07 PM »

On top of this, they remade Kraken for very little reason at all and made him into... an other strength ganker who can't do anything late game. Wow, HoN really needed an other one of those, not a cool str disabletron who could completely alter team fight dynamics with a really hard to pull off but really cool ult. No, we need ANOTHER deadwood/pebbles/magmus/gauntlet/gladiator/Tundra style character who buys a portal key and then blink ganks single targets... an other one.
It'd be fine if I could only learn how to play Demented Shaman.

James Edward Smith

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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1142 on: October 05, 2010, 12:34:13 PM »

Heh, yes that's right, there's also been this huge influx of a very specific brand of terrible players. They join games, do poorly the the whole game and spend the WHOLE TIME berating their lane mate who is doing better than they are for being terrible. THE WHOLE GAME, NON STOP.

Speaking of Rico's terrible Demented Shaman play makes me think of what a better Kraken remake would have been. They should have just left him as he was and got rid of splashi, one of the worst abilities in the game that still is after the remake, and replaced it with a support ability. That would have been cool. It would have made Kraken into more of an Accursed or Keeper of the Forest sort of Hero.
Talk? Talk is for lovers, Merlin. I need a sword to be king.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1143 on: October 05, 2010, 12:55:27 PM »

My problem with new Kraken is his ult just seems lacking. It needs to be much, much larger. As in can take up a whole lane. As it stands, it's less than the size of Tempest ult, but is lacking the same game-changing power. If they're going to keep it at the current level of damage/power/slow, then it needs to be bigger.

James Edward Smith

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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1144 on: October 05, 2010, 02:01:26 PM »

His only good new move was his remade Tsunami Charge because it had a bug in it where if you shoved someone into multiple terrain objects with it, like say 3 trees, it did the bonus damage upon hitting terrain thing for each object. This is why running someone into say a ledge or tower didn't seem that great but shoving them into the woods during the early laning phase seemed crushing for some reason.

Remember that game where I kept crushing that Cronos of all people by just ramming him into trees somewhere in his jungle and holding him there with my ult so Tim's Dark Lady could just slash in and finish him off? The only reason that was working was because of the extra bug damage.

Now that's been fixed and he just sucks.

I really want the old Kraken back with a much less drastic and shitty change because that's all this was. They changed every ability he has with the following effects.

Tidal Pull -> Torrent: Now instead of having a passive slow aura immediately around your str tank that you can use to prevent people from escaping either your really good AoE ult or your teamates' attacks, you have a boring as dirt single target slow "nuke" that lowers armor even though almost all of Kraken's damage is magic in nature. Plus it has a bad animation so it's hard to chase the guy after you slow him.


Tsunami Charge -> New Tsunami Charge: The old Tsunami charge was pretty boring, it was basically just sandking's(magmus') burrowstrike(lavasurge) except that it didn't stun but instead had a ridiculous range (1200 at max level). Instead of stunning, it just did the medium nuke damage and it sort of shoved people as you went by them. A good player could use this shove effect in conjunction with the huge range of the charge and tidal pull's slow to actually fuck people over pretty well if they didn't have a blink.

The new charge is a little more interesting but sort of borders on just being gimmicky. The range is much lower (800) but instead of the little shove, you now grab the first person you hit and carry them with you to the end of the charge. The new charge does less damage than the old one, but if you collide with terrain after grabbing someone it actually does more damage than the old one AND stuns them for a second or so. This is interesting, but only really has synergy with your ult since the stun time lets you drop your ult at their feet and hit them with it before they can move away. Since it only grabs one person though it forces you to ult just that one guy which sort of makes me wonder why he has a weak but AoE ult instead of just something single target and more powerful.

VERDICT: Uhm, sort of cool, but what's the point, he has no real synergy with it. Why not just play any other Str nuker and just stun people where ever I please instead of up against trees?

Splash -> better new Splash: They made Splash less retardedly under powered and more like anchor smash from Dota. It still sort of sucks though because it's magic damage so torrent doesn't help it at all and it has a cool down so you can't be luck sack a bunch of procs of it like Tidehunter could. It only helps for farming really, Kraken is now totally a ganker and doesn't really need to farm, it sucks.

VERDICT: Still pretty much sucks

Whirlpool -> RELEASE THE KRAKEN: Hahahha, what a funny meme that whole Kraken thing is, right? Hohoho, my sides are spliting. I need something to make me stop laughing. Okay, how about they took away Kraken's really unique enemy team teleporing fuck over ult and gave him... Tempest's ult except it doesn't disable or damage you until you reach the center of it, blinking characters can blink out of it, and all characters can actually just walk out of it if they try?

VERDICT: Wow... that's awful, I think I want to cry.

Every change except splash was drastic and every one of them is stupid in some way except the one to splash which didn't really make the ability that much better anyway.

Thanks for making a hero that needed a little rethink into a hero that is completely redundant with 6 other heroes and is worse than all of them except maybe Tundra. Can they put the real designers back on the payroll?
Talk? Talk is for lovers, Merlin. I need a sword to be king.

Defenseless Cow

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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1145 on: October 05, 2010, 04:04:17 PM »

What's funny about the whole Milkfat thing is that they tried to justify it by saying, "oh look we took away all his free rp and ip" AFTER he had bought every champion, 9 rune pages, and probably every skin too. And since he's not spending ip on anything, he can pretty easily get as many runes as he wants.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1146 on: October 05, 2010, 05:16:37 PM »

He got free IP too so he probably got full runes.

Also apparently they are testing the Eve redo on the PTR but accidentally ported broken tooltips to live Eve without the redo buffs. So basically Eve is still shitty and magically slightly MORE broken. Incredible. So don't be fooled and think you'll give her a try or anything quite yet.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1147 on: October 05, 2010, 06:49:23 PM »

Whatever, I am maining Eve 100% as soon as the remake hits.
i'm a blog now, blogs are cool: a fantastic machine made of meat


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1148 on: October 05, 2010, 07:51:30 PM »

Right right just don't do like me and think that the redo actually went through.

"Oh cool, I have an ult I literally can't use."

It turns out it was shitty ol' Malice and Spite but that was a pretty anti-climatic level 6 let me tell you. Also Hate Spike not actually healing me on use.

Defenseless Cow

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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1149 on: October 05, 2010, 08:30:29 PM »

Watching his stream, its... him premading with a bunch of level 30s and getting carried.

Edit: Also him listening to his stream chat and building malady on Sona.

Edit2: ...And buying dorans blades on Ryze. This is sort of hilarious to watch how easily he gets trolled.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1150 on: October 05, 2010, 08:40:57 PM »

I'm gonna laugh pretty hard when he realizes that LoL isn't that much easier than HoN and DotA, and if he's really that bad at them, he's probably not much better at LoL.

LoL might be comparatively casual, but farmville it ain't.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1151 on: October 05, 2010, 10:11:03 PM »

Oh hey I just hit the level 30 club.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1152 on: October 06, 2010, 01:11:40 AM »

Soooo, interesting facts about the Milkfat fiasco. The free shit they gave him, he TOLD them to take it back and until Riot Games asked him to take them down had copies of the correspondence from himself and Pendragon where he was telling Pen that he didn't think it was right for him to have an unfair advantage over other people just because he was a 'pro gamer' and that he was telling people he was going to represent them on the 'world forum' of gaming and didn't want to be seen as someone who accepts a whole bunch of free shit. Yes, he sounds like a condescending little shit but he's no worse than any other cocky nerd with social inability and he wanted to give the free shit back immediately... SOOOO, he's a cocky little shit but at least he's not too bad.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1153 on: October 06, 2010, 04:19:55 AM »

"And it is because they have fallen prey to a weakened, feminized version of Christianity that is only about softer virtues such as compassion and not in any part about the muscular Christian virtues of individual responsibility and accountability."


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1154 on: October 06, 2010, 04:30:27 AM »

If you havin' rat problems, I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but a Twitch ain't one.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1155 on: October 06, 2010, 09:33:09 AM »

"And it is because they have fallen prey to a weakened, feminized version of Christianity that is only about softer virtues such as compassion and not in any part about the muscular Christian virtues of individual responsibility and accountability."


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1156 on: October 06, 2010, 03:53:14 PM »

Swain is.. Interesting. E + Deathfire when you get enough ability power is just wicked.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1157 on: October 06, 2010, 06:18:11 PM »

I hear Elementz just threw Galio into the "best tank in the game" slot and Tier 1 because he got stomped hard at some tourney by a well-played Gargoyle.

Intensely amusing, to say the least.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1158 on: October 06, 2010, 06:41:26 PM »

Galio is pretty awesome in that he is the best farmer of any tank with an actual taunt by leaps and bounds, which really helps his tanking.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1159 on: October 06, 2010, 06:50:33 PM »

Yeah Galio has always been pretty ballin' but I'm not surprised to see a hero even mildly difficult to use lose popularity after their release week.

Still waiting on Urgot buffs.
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