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Author Topic: LoL, HoN  (Read 110901 times)

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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1560 on: December 05, 2011, 11:10:26 PM »

Man, there's no feeling quite like repeatedly saving the rude idiot who keeps dissing your AP Shen build only to notice him getting significantly less mouthy by the end of a game ultimately won by beaming your rad self to a crucial point defense. "No survivability", my sweet protected-by-a-500-HP-shield-every-five-seconds ass.

Well actually there's probably a bunch of feelings better than that but it's still boss.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1561 on: December 07, 2011, 07:57:52 PM »

hmm, i will try this ap shen
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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1562 on: December 07, 2011, 09:02:49 PM »

Start with boots and Blasting Wand, then get Sorc Boots, Rylai's, Kindlegem (into Hextech Sweeper if your foes have stealth), and Deathcap. Once you got that, any AP item that doesn't have mana or mana regen will help; I like Abyssal Scepter if the game goes on that long. Skill-wise, start with QQEW, then R>Q>W>E. Move with an ally if you can, but don't be afraid to take on squishies alone in the early-mid game because you're more durable than they are. Vorpal Blade's 35% Rylai procs and decent damage on a short cooldown will earn you tons of assists and even win you some unlikely duels because no one expects Shen to take big chunks out of their life bar every 2.7 seconds. Once late game rolls around, Stand United shields an ally for almost 1500 HP and becomes a "win fight" button if you're smart about it (i.e. no jumping into a 1v4 deep in enemy territory unless you're absolutely confident it'll make a difference). Few important battles in Dominion are so one-sided that a surprise ninja can't tip the scales in your favor. Of course you should expect to be cussed at by the enemy team, but that's always nice.

That said, don't take bottom lane with Shen, no matter how you build him. The Vorpal Blade heal is negligible, he takes forever to clear minions, and he's basically at a serious disadvantage against any common bot opponent. Your job is to move around and help out.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1563 on: December 09, 2011, 02:19:38 AM »

hmm will that even work

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

oh hey it does

edit: or not?

edit2: oooh that's how it will


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1564 on: December 17, 2011, 02:43:07 AM »

Play Sona.
Go 5/1/24.
Have enemy team call Sona OP.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1565 on: December 17, 2011, 07:52:16 AM »

Shen changes in testing right now:

(emphasis mine)


    * Vorpal Blade
          o Energy cost changed to 60 from 70/65/60/55/50
          o Heal piñata effect reduced to 10/16/22/28/34 from 18/26/34/42/50
          o Heal piñata also heals for 2% of maximum health
          o Shen gets the heal if he last hits with Vorpal Blade
          o Single target damaging spells can now also trigger Vorpal Blade instead of just attacks

    * Feint
          o Feint now grants 20/25/30/35/40 Armor while it's active
          o Feint duration increased to 3 from 2.5
          o Cost increased to 50 from 45

    * Shadow Dash
          o Cooldown changed to 11-9 from 10
          o Energy cost reduced to 100 from 120-100
          o Taunt Duration increased to 1/1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2 from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2
          o Restores 40 Energy per champion affected, from 50 Energy if you affect one

    * Ki Strike
          o Bonus Damage from Health increased to 12% from 8%
          o Cooldown is now reduced by 0.5 seconds for minion hits in addition to 2 seconds for champion hits

hit 3 guys with taunt and end up with 20 more energy than you started with? YES PLEASE

I was afraid they'd mess with his ratios but they just made Tanky AP Shen stronger.

Also: Vlad changes, Ionic Spark buffs, Ninja Tabi reduces autoattack damage by 10% instead of providing dodge

Play Sona.
Go 5/1/24.
Have enemy team call Sona OP.

I never make the enemy team rage more than when I play supports. I keep hearing people say the role is boring, but I'm pretty sure that's because they're terrible at it.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1566 on: December 17, 2011, 02:34:35 PM »

I'm loving Ahri right now. Wondering when the Dodge refund is gonna hit. I'd love to have around 16000 ip available.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1567 on: December 17, 2011, 02:43:23 PM »

She does look pretty fun. I've been thinking of buying her, but I would like to keep holding myself to the rule of not purchasing stuff with RP that I could get with IP, so I've been saving up IP for a while. I've got pretty much all the champs I wanted at 3150 and below anyway, except maybe Mordekaiser, who doesn't seem to strong, but I did have fun with him on the free week.

Though I did make an exception yesterday for a 75% discounted Xerath at 243 because come on.

...and I may yet break down and get some rune pages.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1568 on: December 18, 2011, 06:39:47 AM »

yei.. what i think is this years main national LoL tournament is ending

the final is about to happen now

I didnt participate, but my little brother did and he went up to fifth ^_^ <- the event
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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1569 on: December 19, 2011, 06:31:26 PM »

"fail zil has 2 cs"
"i'm a gd support, you nincompoop, i let pantheon have all the farm"
*checks pantheon cs; he's got 8 after 15 minutes*
"what is this i don't even"
"worst bot lane ever, panth and zil cost us the game"

i was pretty  :rage: by that point so i played some dominion to cool off

i take bot with jarvan, lane against soraka, it's brutally hard but i manage to kill her twice and hold my point for the entire game
i made mvp
with best combat and objective score by far
by barely holding on to my point
for 12 minutes
before we lost


i mean they should have beat my score just with god damned martyr bonuses gaaaaaaarghblblbl


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1570 on: December 19, 2011, 08:03:37 PM »

Solo Queuing for ranked, because I like hating everyone I'm playing games with.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1571 on: December 20, 2011, 06:55:29 PM »

I just played my first Dom game as free week Galio, which was also my second Galio game ever if you count the vs bots I did to get a feel for his skills. I took bot lane first against Shaco (then against Warwick and Corki when they realized Hextech Sweeper shuts down the clown), went 9/2/6, and made MVP by 200 points. It's already nutty enough when a bot laner makes the top three, but on my first real game with a character I've seen played maybe three times since I started?

So now that's another 6300 IP champ I'm saving up for!



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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1572 on: December 23, 2011, 03:59:57 PM »

I went bot with Cass against a Ryze. I had the upper hand in 1v1, but I was doing well enough that their Ezreal and Alistar periodically dropped by to try to gank me, so it was basically a long back-and-forth with no clear winner. We lost, even though I kept 1-3 of their guys busy at any given time.

But that's okay.

I had basically a 20 minute mage duel with that Ryze. It was amazing. He was smart enough to get some MR, I was smart enough to gear up to punch through it. It was a game of my sustained pushing versus his obliterating my waves every time his ult came up. It was about using the bushes for cover, about maneuvering to grab the health relic as soon as it spawned, about baiting each other, about choosing the best moment to port back to base to shop, about my staying just out of his range and his dodging my spam as much as he could and bursting me down when he managed it. Cass' damage is scary even for a Ryze and I'm great at leading my Qs, so I did have the advantage, but it was still a long and tense and so damn fun mind game.

Yeah. That's the sort of moment that reminds me why I put up with the uncounted hordes of trolls and idiots.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1574 on: December 27, 2011, 05:51:44 PM »

I was secretly hoping Ahri would be boring and that I could spend my 6300 on Galio without looking back, but now it's not such an easy choice because yeah, she is fun to play. It's hard to get the full potential of her W since it usually picks a single target and is penalized for it, but it's still decent harass because it can fire while you move and prioritizes champs like Sona's Q. Her own Q could use a bit more punch but it's half true damage so I guess I can't complain. And at first I thought her E was an objectively worse Taric stun since it's a single-target skill shot that can be blocked by minions, but unlike stuns it can kind of pull opponents out of position a bit, and unlike the random movement of fears it actually sets them up for a two-hit Q since they're guaranteed to walk towards you. It's almost a ranged taunt, except it doesn't screw her over (because why would a squishy-ass champ want a taunt?).

Gonna have to think about it. I got a bunch of good AP champs already, but if I want tanks I got Shen, Alistar and Cho'gath to work with so it's not like I really have any holes to fill anymore.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1575 on: December 28, 2011, 09:39:38 PM »

So I think I've discovered the secret to completely destroying Dominion.

The secret to success:
Roll with AP Quints, AP Seals, AP the others ones, MagPen Marks.  21/9/0 Masteries.  Take Heal and Promote.  Start with Boots of Cooldown Reduction and a few pots.  Go bot.

Congratulations: you are now faster than 99% of the players who start bot and do not take level two boots.  Take two levels of Starcall, one of Infuse.  Max Starcall, then Infuse, then Heal. Your AP runes give you a little bit of early game oomph that will be multiplied at least a little when you finish your Deathcap.  Hoard the bushes on bottom: if you can get a silence off on your opponent, you now have an absolutely free window to get a little closer, smash them with starcall, and back off before they can retaliate.  Play smartly to control the health pack and to back off when you need to let your pots or heal do a little magic if you do take retaliation (usually in the case of AD).  Cast Starcall basically on cooldown, and you will absolutely demolish the creep waves as well as stacking up a Magic Resist debuff every time your opponent gets close enough to be hit by it.  If you're confident that their team isn't lurking above you, Promote and push the minute your opponent realizes "holy shit, I cannot beat Soraka" and starts to retreat.  If you ever suspect the tiniest bit of a gank, back the fuck off.  Soraka will wreck almost anyone 1v1, but 2v1 is a losing proposition.

Ideally, stay in lane until you have 1600 gold.  Get a Needlessly Large Rod, and now punish whichever idiot stayed in lane with you.  Or, like my last game, when Heimerdinger leaves for top after dying, wreck Wukong when he comes down.  When Wukong heads back top after his shameful defeat, destroy Ahri.  Say in All Chat "I'm making so many new friends!"  End game 10/2/15.  In any case, if nobody has cottoned on to the fact that you are an absolute monster, go ahead and finish a Deathcap first.  If you are having close calls at the end of fights (or just have bad timing at facerolling HEAL + ULTIMATE HEAL + SUMMONER HEAL all in a row to holy shit she just went from 10% HP to 100% and I am still at 20%), build defense against whoever you are against.  Frozen Heart for AD, Not Banshee's Veil for AP.  By the end of a long game, you should probably have Deathcap, CDR Boots, Rylai's, Frozen Heart, and Not Banshee's Veil, because make no mistake, your biggest weakness is going to be being burst down hard and fast.  Stick to 1v1s, or else revert to "surprisingly high damage support" Soraka and use your team as meat shields once people start trying to put the hurt on you.  As always on Dominion, don't fight a losing battle if it won't slow the enemy down.  If you can successfully stall for several seconds BEFORE going down (and as Soraka, standing on your point and managing your three heals while starcalling the entire world you can stall for a pretty good while if you're not being CC locked), then sure, hang out.

BOT CHAMPIONS I HAVE ABSOLUTELY WRECKED: Ryze, Tryndamere, Heimerdinger, Alistar, Kassadin, Katarina, Yorick.
MAY BE TROUBLE: Sivir and Ahri have both given me trouble.  With Sivir, you have to bait her spell shield, break it with Starcall, and then Silence.  Or silence before she can shield.  The Ahri I had trouble with built a little beefier (boots, Prospector's, looked like some HP runes), and if she hits with her charm, you can be hurt.  In general, auto attackers will be a rougher proposition since they can still retaliate decently while silenced, but if you can properly bait them into Silence / Starcall traps, the true secret to Soraka's success is that she will win every single battle of attrition that she can control.  Just don't let them burst you down.  Play it safe at ranged if you start to smell trouble, because no matter how many creeps they can build into a wave, you're only two or three starcalls away from wiping it out.

When four descend on your point, know as you die that you are the one who has brought them to this, and weep quietly in joy.
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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1576 on: December 28, 2011, 11:56:16 PM »

Yeah, I can vouch for that, it works. I've never done it myself, I don't have Soraka, but I've been on the receiving end a couple times. I've only ever managed to hold my point against her as Jarvan, and I'm pretty sure I've only killed her because she got cocky and I stacked retarded MR.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1577 on: January 05, 2012, 03:15:01 PM »



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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1578 on: January 15, 2012, 07:14:19 PM »

I finally unlocked Galio, and took him to the bot lane in Dominion for his maiden voyage. The other guys sent Karthus against me.

I know, right?

As you would guess I'm destroying him so bad they need to send Wukong bot to help him out, which is the number one indicator that I'm doing a decent job.

Of course the rest of my team can't win a 4v3 up top to save their lives*, so we lose anyway. But that's par for the course I suppose.

*: how do you lose to sion under your own turret i mean it ain't rocket science just kite him around and let the big zappy thing kill him for ya

whaddaya mean you don't wanna buy a qss

they need to rename this thing the victory belt srsly


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1579 on: January 15, 2012, 09:07:05 PM »

In all fairness, a properly played Karthus can run circles around a Galio in the early game.  Galio's cooldowns are long enough that Karthus can defile + lay waste spam to both harass and clear out your minions with terrifying speed, and do so with impunity.

Still, WRECKING BOTTOM LANE, STILL LOSE DUE TO 3V4TARDS is a constant problem in dominion.
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