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Author Topic: LoL, HoN  (Read 110886 times)

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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1580 on: January 17, 2012, 03:16:11 PM »


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1581 on: January 17, 2012, 03:22:34 PM »

it might be easier to ask what day isn't a good ass-kickin' day

(obvious "spoiler": no such thing)

More seriously, I play at least a couple games every day, though the exact schedule is at the whim of my... biological circumstances.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1582 on: January 17, 2012, 03:53:45 PM »

Uhm after 6 PM any day except Friday this week.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1583 on: January 17, 2012, 03:57:15 PM »

I'll be home by 830 tonight but not until 1030 for the rest of the week.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1584 on: January 17, 2012, 04:10:39 PM »

I don't work today or tomorrow. Going out from today, I can do most week days with the possible exception of every other Thursday.

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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1585 on: January 17, 2012, 04:11:17 PM »

I have not actually played this game in like two months.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1586 on: January 17, 2012, 04:21:06 PM »

I play at least two ranked solo queue matches a day to practice... Doesn't mean I'm good....


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1587 on: January 20, 2012, 08:10:20 PM »

Hello! Let's talk about stomping as a team.

If you're not feeling at your best, watch this youtube and get back to me when you are.

Be a man - mulan


I'm going to be playing LoL every weeknight this week except Friday, so M/Tu/Wed/Th. Niku works Monday, so let's try to get something on T/W/Th.

Now, what are we looking for to make this an actual team instead of the usual clusterfuck of regrets and bitter blame-shifting we usually get? Easy!

I want you guys to tell me your absolute best heroes, the roles you can do your best at, and your general style.

Don't guess. Don't tell me what you can play if you have to, or if you feel like it, or if we force or guilt you into it. Tell me who you play with TO WIN and what you can do that makes you good.

And don't pretend you're not good with somebody at something. If all else fails, just think of your BEST hero. It helps to have at least two back-ups too, don't be the guy who is a great tank with.. Rammus AND Amumu and oops they were both banned, time to try Singed out blind.

Anyways here's what I can do and who with.

AP: Anivia. Back-ups: Annie, LeBlanc, Ahri, Oriana, Karthus, Ryze, Swain. I play Anivia in ranked solo when I can't think of anything directly useful to be and have my best win rate with her. :V I also think she's the best multi-purpose champ, whereas somebody like LeBlanc or Ahri is a bit too single target. Karthus is great and I can defense with him like a pro but Karthus is slightly gimmicky and easy to counter. But I could play any of these dudes in middle and play to win.

Tanks: Singed. Back-ups: Amumu, Rammus, Alistair, Maokai, Shen, Leona. Nothing to say really, I can do a good job of tanking and I ain't scared to initiate unless it's clearly a bad idea.

Off-Tanks: Shyvana. Back-ups: Blitzcrank, Mundo, Tankplank, Gragas, Jarvan, Malphite, Riven, Rumble. I'd throw Udyr in there but I suck at jungling! These are dudes I'd feel comfortable doing solo top or duo bottom. I know most of them shift between melee DPS, caster DPS or tanky, but I like mixing the tank and dps items to get a good brawler or some such. :V Shyvana is mai waifu after I solo'd a Karma/Taric top and went 4/0/6, constantly baiting them for our jungler in a ranked match and out-lasting them with one HP regen item!

Support: Janna. Back-ups: Sona, Soraka, Oriana. I can do it since I'm so boners for AP but I'm not incredible at it given that I'm an average Taric at best! I am a terrible Karma.

I'm average at Jungling or straight AD Melee(Jax, Yi, Xin, etc) and competent but nothing special with AD Ranged(Tristana, Ashe, etc.)

I prefer 9/21/0 for the 10% Armor Pen or Magic Pen and being defensive in the early game, along with stacking cooldown reduction from masteries. I prefer to play a long game and wait for opponents to make mistakes or to pick fights I can't lose(unless I am tanking), so I can mid all day long and avoid ganks but I won't necessarily be a roaming gank monster or anything. But hey, I'll farm well and keep the other guy busy. That sort of thing.

So as you can see I have a handful of heroes I am stellar with and a good range of similar back-ups I'm also tested with and I'm confident I can do my noted roles well.

That's the key here, guys. We make a good team comp made up of confident choices and an overall strategy instead of the usual "do whatever the fuck I want, somebody plays Gangplank for lulz" shit.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1588 on: January 20, 2012, 08:46:47 PM »

AP Mid: Annie and Malzahar are my #1 and #2 choices for Serious Game Face.  Annie preferred versus line-ups where it is more beneficial to play cautiously, Malzahar preferred when I can be an asshole pushing monster who then goes off to gank someone at level 6.  If Tibbers is out, I guarantee you I am microing him to eat the faces of people who are accustomed to bad Annies.  My most satisfying kill in my entire LoL career came from pincering a fleeing enemy by chasing them in one direction and sending Tibbers around for the kill.  Beyond those two, I'm solid with Brand, Morgana, and Swain in the middle, with Vladimir and Xerath available as characters who I'm rusty with but know their strengths and weaknesses fairly well.  I'm currently running an AP rune page with AP, CDR, and Movespeed for an extra edge in skillshot dodging or attack trading.  Rod of Ages is fun for every girl and boy, because nobody likes a glass cannon.  I am used to the jungler never fucking giving me blue, so I manage my mana just fine.  Preferred role in general.

Support: I have a full GP/10 + Armor / MR page for Supports for maximum sitting in the bottom lane bushes and not dying prowess.  Soraka, Janna, and Leona are my go-to supports at the moment, the former two staying the course while the last transitions into a tank as the game goes on.  I can faceroll on Sona too, but she's not my bread and butter.  Support Blitz is fun but I have been having a lot of issues lately with Power Fist going off properly that have put me off of him until I'm sure he'll actually do what I tell him to.

Ranged AD Bottom: Caitlyn, Graves, Sivir.  I'm not a super god of farming up last hits, but I do okay down here in a pinch.  Base competency.

Bruiser Top: I've had decent success top with an AD/Push build Nidalee focusing on attack speed, and with Riven and Gangplank.  I have pulled off some crazy things with Singed.  I don't play solo top very often, so I'm not a whiz at knowing good and bad match-ups for a lot of champions.  Base competency.

Jungle: I sometimes manage not to shit the bed.  I can follow a route, but counter jungling terrifies and infuriates me.  I can fucking tear through it as Rammus at least, and can take most of your usual top tier junglers (Skarner, Udyr, Rammus, Lee Sin) through their routes relatively scott free.  Basically, I have not spent nearly enough time in the jungle since the remake to be at all confident in the proper trade-offs between just farming and ganking and counter jungling nowadays, since all of my old bully strats have shifted or changed now.  Last resort.  I'd like to work on it, but that's what solo queue is for.

In general, my map awareness is pretty decent but not spectacular.  My biggest weakness as a support is not knowing the best times and places to CV, and while I ward, like James Bond deep undercover in Russia I've always got a nagging sense that I could have found a better place to stick that spy rod.  I've got a decent feel for good times to get dragon and baron when their team is occupied or half dead.  I am a huge proponent for pushing the second and third lane whenever an inhibitor goes down in another, forcing their team to deal with the assault on two fronts.

I am not some kind of golden god at LoL by any stretch of the imagination, but I like to think I do pretty alright smiley face.
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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1589 on: January 20, 2012, 10:51:51 PM »

Ranged AD Bottom: This is where I shine when I have a good support backing me up. Graves, Gangplank, and Tristana for Anti healer/support matchups.

AP Mid: Tends to be my second best with Champions like Ahri/Annie/Twisted Fate

Solo Top: It really depends on what the matchup is, if it ends up a 2v1 I really can't hold my own against anything with what I play. The champions tend to be Shyvanna/Gangplank/Singed.

Jungle: Outside of Malphite Jungle to stop the 3 AD teams I really can't fit into this role as well as I could pre jungle change.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1590 on: January 20, 2012, 11:10:11 PM »

I try and play LoL daily. I have been playing Ranked Solo Queue for the last few weeks as a matter of fact! I have come to the conclusion that I do this characters in these roles well.

Jungler: I can jungle with all of the standard jungle characters, preferring Gangplank and Xin built tank/bruiser. Gangplank has such a hard level two top gank that he's hard to outmatch but also gets banned a lot. I have also been looking into Scorpion jungle after talking with Doom about it. I like to jungle because I don't think most people do it right. I like hit and run jungling. Try a gank, fail or not, get the fuck out of there, clear some more jungle and then pop up somewhere else. The worst mistake most junglers make is standing around so long trying to make something happen that clearly isn't. This means that I'll try to be everywhere but if I see one person constantly over extending or constantly getting out of place I might focus my efforts on making them pay for their mistakes. I am firmly of the belief that if we can own ONE lane and have the other two not feed or get ganked it's better than trying to gank every lane fruitlessly. I also take run speed runes for jungling because why not.

Solo Top: Almost any of the people I can jungle with I can also solo top with. Because I strive for the same thing in both positions, to become the team's tank/bruiser. The exception is that I can also comfortably solo top on Akali as a hard carry but she is banned a lot in ranked so that is pretty much only a IF I CAN situation.

Support: I love support Nidalee, sona and soraka. As you can see I love to support on champions that can also kill you if you aren't careful. Hail Marying a spear into the fog of war at a low enemy and scoring a kill is the BEST feeling. I support my carry by not last hitting, taking into consideration their needs at all times, actively stopping offense if my carry can secure the kill and controlling map awareness with CV and wards throughout the game.

And that is about it. I prefer to support or jungle and I can solo top moderately well.

EDIT: As an aside I think the biggest problem we had last time we tried this was communication. I don't just mean game communication I mean every kind of communication. I don't want you to grin and bear it if someone is doing something stupid, I want them to know, as soon as they do it, that it's stupid. We should be constantly calling into question actions that we don't agree with or that we think could be done differently and with better success.

Likewise, I think we're all friends enough to criticize our teammates ACTIONS and not our actual teammates. I think that even the least skilled Bronto is worlds better than half the retards that play LoL on the learning from their mistakes front and we should be willing to do this.

Basically, I think that last time we did this (when we all a lot less skilled than we are now, I might add) doom* had problems with some of the things that we did and instead of saying something he just swallowed it and allowed it to happen. You could hear it in his voice as the matches went on. I want you all to feel comfortable with questioning each others actions in any way, but at the same time we need to keep it friendly. At the end of the day we are trying to play games with our friends after all and I think that constant criticism is the best way to keep everything friendly. We don't let it get to the boiling point, is what I'm saying.

*I'm not trying to call Doom out as a dick, I think doom was right. We were all a lot newer at this than we are now and we were all making stupid mistakes. He was the most learned league player at the time and we should have all listened to his criticisms and tried to learn from them.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1591 on: January 20, 2012, 11:33:07 PM »

Tanks: Rammus, Amumu, Alistar. I love to tank, I consider it my best role, I'm quite strong at Soloing and when it comes time to I do not fear initiation. The only slight problem is sometimes I incorrectly estimate the time it will take team mates to back me up. But I don't know if that's because when I solo queue no one is paying attention and would be fixed via ventrilo. I prefer tanks with a load of CC and huge resistances over straight damage but I also try to be moderately deadly with a bit of care to not KS from the carries.

TankyDPS/Off tank: Malphite, Xin, Nasus. Almost the same as tank except with more damage and less CC. Same story, I will initiate or follow the main tank into battle, I'll CC smart and try not to burn my stuff until everything else has worn off.

AP: Ryze, Fiddlesticks, Annie. I love Ryze, he is a good mage and I also play him with some good resistances, not a focus or anything but enough to make him harder to kill than a lot of fragile glass cannons. I'd only like to play this if I couldn't play straight tank/tankydps. I'm good at it but I feel others might be better. I also like Annie because of her burst and CC. I'm rather good at showing up when I need to on Fiddle but he's a bit of an easy counter.

As you see from me not posting it on this list I'm not exceptional at ranged AD, the sole exception to this rule is I am very good at playing Ashe and usually maintain a 7/10 ratio on hitting with her ult. That stated there are other characters and probably players who are better than she or I am for that role.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1592 on: January 21, 2012, 02:22:05 AM »

I need to get some practice in on this before I can make a judgement of what I'm good at these days. I've only really played as melee carries since getting back into the game and mostly only as Gangplank, who I like to think I'm decent at.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1593 on: January 21, 2012, 06:10:13 AM »

Shinra: I don't think you play LoL enough to have a good stable of back-ups or hell, to enjoy this mode. You'd have to be great with at least 3 junglers and Gangplank is frequently banned these days.

Yeah I figure I'll have to be a lot more leaderly this time, Jox! Of course the reverse is true: this is a for fun thing and we can expect to lose tens of times just getting used to teamwork and stuff, so if somebody is going to lose their cool we're better off without them.

Yes tens of times. 5 manning always matches us up against similar teams with elo chops. If you're not up for the challenge don't be surprised when it happens.

Doom: AP Mid, Solo Top, Tank
Niku: AP Mid, Support Bottom
Envy: AD Ranged, AP Mid
Joxam: Jungle, Solo Top, Support
Mali: Tank, Solo Top

Anyways as you can see it's pretty easy for us to filter everybody through by what the team needs and what everybody is good at and pull up some first try dedicated roles.

Doom: Solo Top(Off-Tank/Brute/Tank), Support Bottom
Niku: AP Mid
Envy: AD Ranged(Bottom)
Joxam: Jungle
Mali: Solo Top(Off-Tank/Brute/Tank), Tank Bottom

So basically the only real issue is what our heroes sync like and what we face, so I'll just draft up some feasible teams and strategies assuming we use those roles every time to develop good experience.

Doom: Riven, Jarvan, Shyvanna (Top) Janna, Sona, Oriana (Bot)
Niku: Annie, Malz (Mid)
Envy: Graves, Tristana (Bot)
Joxam: Gangplank, Skarner (Jungle)
Mali: Rammus, Amumu (Bot/Top)

Note that a lot of those heroes will be banned or picked by the enemy. Back-ups back-ups back-ups.

I browsed Elementz tier list a bit and did some ranekd matches of my own. Tier lists aren't definitive and absolute or nothing but we might as well start with good materials.

Not that I have any problem with playing out of tier, but at this point bring the results first.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1594 on: January 21, 2012, 11:24:27 AM »

OK. I'm going to throw everything I've got into jungling!

Also, I don't think I ever said anything but I have Tuesday off from work so that will be the best day to do some five man fun times. I only work until 10 PM on Wed and Thurs also, and I have friday off going forward....


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1595 on: January 21, 2012, 11:49:35 AM »

I would offer to play, but I haven't played since we originally made the team like 3 months ago.

Characters I can play: Nasus, uhhh any tank that I own, Morgana, Urgot? I'll hop in the game and see what characters exist since I can only remember them if I am looking at the list.

AP: Anivia, Morgana, Orianna.
Melee: Yorick, Nasus
Ranged: Urgot
Tanks: Malphite, Maokai, Rammus
Support?: Zilean

High skill characters I used to be good at: Blitzcrank, Kassadin


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1596 on: January 21, 2012, 12:24:50 PM »

I'm hoping he reevaluates sivir coming soon. I managed to save a game with her ult being able to give us that final push alone last night. I'm not into the rated ELO yet and still going through provisional, but I believe her changes made her alot better then she used to be.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1597 on: January 21, 2012, 12:34:07 PM »

Nice, 6 days after I start playing again, "I don't want to play with you because you're bad". Thanks, Doom.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1598 on: January 21, 2012, 01:00:26 PM »

I think what he said was, "I don't think you'll have fun getting through the growing pains" but that's just me....


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1599 on: January 21, 2012, 01:11:14 PM »

Okay, played a ranked match with Joxam and I played Nasus. I learned two things.

1. I can still play Nasus and he is still my favorite character.
2. Pubbies are still awful and I don't want to play with them. I could solo 3 of the other teams most fed players for 10 seconds while watching my team stand next to the turret after they ran from a fight they initiated.
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