Hello! Let's talk about stomping as a team.
If you're not feeling at your best, watch this youtube and get back to me when you are.
Be a man - mulanOK!
I'm going to be playing LoL every weeknight this week except Friday, so M/Tu/Wed/Th. Niku works Monday, so let's try to get something on T/W/Th.
Now, what are we looking for to make this an actual team instead of the usual clusterfuck of regrets and bitter blame-shifting we usually get? Easy!
I want you guys to tell me your absolute best heroes, the roles you can do your best at, and your general style.
Don't guess. Don't tell me what you can play if you have to, or if you feel like it, or if we force or guilt you into it. Tell me who you play with TO WIN and what you can do that makes you good.
And don't pretend you're not good with somebody at something. If all else fails, just think of your BEST hero. It helps to have at least two back-ups too, don't be the guy who is a great tank with.. Rammus AND Amumu and oops they were both banned, time to try Singed out blind.
Anyways here's what I can do and who with.
AP: Anivia. Back-ups: Annie, LeBlanc, Ahri, Oriana, Karthus, Ryze, Swain. I play Anivia in ranked solo when I can't think of anything directly useful to be and have my best win rate with her. :V I also think she's the best multi-purpose champ, whereas somebody like LeBlanc or Ahri is a bit too single target. Karthus is great and I can defense with him like a pro but Karthus is slightly gimmicky and easy to counter. But I could play any of these dudes in middle and play to win.
Tanks: Singed. Back-ups: Amumu, Rammus, Alistair, Maokai, Shen, Leona. Nothing to say really, I can do a good job of tanking and I ain't scared to initiate unless it's clearly a bad idea.
Off-Tanks: Shyvana. Back-ups: Blitzcrank, Mundo, Tankplank, Gragas, Jarvan, Malphite, Riven, Rumble. I'd throw Udyr in there but I suck at jungling! These are dudes I'd feel comfortable doing solo top or duo bottom. I know most of them shift between melee DPS, caster DPS or tanky, but I like mixing the tank and dps items to get a good brawler or some such. :V Shyvana is mai waifu after I solo'd a Karma/Taric top and went 4/0/6, constantly baiting them for our jungler in a ranked match and out-lasting them with one HP regen item!
Support: Janna. Back-ups: Sona, Soraka, Oriana. I can do it since I'm so boners for AP but I'm not incredible at it given that I'm an average Taric at best! I am a terrible Karma.
I'm average at Jungling or straight AD Melee(Jax, Yi, Xin, etc) and competent but nothing special with AD Ranged(Tristana, Ashe, etc.)
I prefer 9/21/0 for the 10% Armor Pen or Magic Pen and being defensive in the early game, along with stacking cooldown reduction from masteries. I prefer to play a long game and wait for opponents to make mistakes or to pick fights I can't lose(unless I am tanking), so I can mid all day long and avoid ganks but I won't necessarily be a roaming gank monster or anything. But hey, I'll farm well and keep the other guy busy. That sort of thing.
So as you can see I have a handful of heroes I am stellar with and a good range of similar back-ups I'm also tested with and I'm confident I can do my noted roles well.
That's the key here, guys. We make a good team comp made up of confident choices and an overall strategy instead of the usual "do whatever the fuck I want, somebody plays Gangplank for lulz" shit.