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Author Topic: LoL, HoN  (Read 110890 times)

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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1620 on: January 25, 2012, 01:00:37 PM »

If I'm being completely honest, I'd love it if someone took the time to really get into AD Ranged Carry.  I'd say that I am strong at last hitting but not amazing at it (which is why on the AP side I gravitate toward Annie, Malz, Vlad, Kennen, basically anyone who has something they can spam that is more reliable than an auto attack for GIMMIE THAT GOLD or that resets auto attack timers for those OH SHIT TWO MINIONS ARE ABOUT TO DIE AT ONCE moments) which I think was evidenced in the farmfest vs Graves where he naturally pulled ahead of me in what was basically super light harassment on both sides.  Furthermore, one of my genuine disadvantages is tunnel visioning during teamfights.  I can have a hard time immediately picking out who is where, what they are doing, and how hard I need to kill them, and when playing a right click hero the last thing I want to do is right click someone and then lose track of where I am even standing when my hero tries to follow them once they run.  And yet, it happens.

Also AD farming actually bores me way more than Bush Support does go figure.  :3c
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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1621 on: January 25, 2012, 01:12:23 PM »

My next problem is what I'm going to call the 'tank thing'. I have NEVER played a ranked game (except the ones I played with you guys) that didn't have two tanky DPS (solo and jungle) covering the spot of 'tank' instead of making one dude tank on a 'real' tank. The more damage output and having two guys with high survivability usually out plays the team that only has one guy that can take any kind of hits, bonus points for building your mid a beefy with AP/health items. The team comp I keep going back to on ranked is Tanky DPS top, Tanky DPS jungle, Solo AP mid, AD Carry bottom and Support Bottom.

Quoting this part because it's true.  General beefiness wins out over one genuine tank.  But basically anyone you have who is a melee character should be building as beefy as possible, and this is also why Frozen Mallet is something I pick up on most AD champions, ranged or melee.

I do want to say again Jox (and anyone else thinking about jungling) is that the jungle is much more than about whether or not you can pop out and kill that guy.  That's a helpful part of it, but it is far from the only part.  If you can't get a successful gank off that ends in a kill, how else did you just help your lane?  Am I Annie mid, and did you just make Ryze blow his flash?  Great!  Now he's fucked when I get Tibbers, so it doesn't matter that you didn't get the kill the first go-round.  Did bottom lane have to use their Heal to survive?  Same deal, they've now got a four minute wait before they can do it again.  Did you head toward the bush and watch them immediately 180 because they saw you coming in the ward?  Tell your support to get a damn Oracles.  Oh wait, the retreating party is low health and the enemy jungler just appeared on the opposite side of the map?  Use your manpower advantage to push down the tower.  Does the enemy AP mid have blue?  What the, yours doesn't?  Well go and fix that, son!  Many junglers do not need the blue buff beyond the first or second golem spawn, whereas resourceless junglers such as Shyvana and Lee Sin don't need it at all!  Help your mid shine without even poking your head into their lane!  Did the enemy jungler pop out on the other side of the map, but there's no opportunities for you to help in time?  Well damn son, treat yourself to his camps (but leave one of the tiny guys there so when he reaches the camp he actually hears a little farting noise)!  The jungle is an always moving, never stopping, ganking, farming, tide turning beast, and even if you're not getting kills every time you go into a lane, you always need to be a presence in the back of the enemy's mind.

That's the theorycrafting part of it, anyway.
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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1622 on: January 25, 2012, 01:17:00 PM »

also triple posting to say

and this is to me especially but also to all of you

if you can be taken out in a single hit the enemy will always waste the time it takes to cast a spell on you to do it every time

so stop trying to help things at 20 HP unless you are goddamn lux
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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1623 on: January 25, 2012, 02:15:43 PM »

I've developed a sudden idiot savancy for Miss Fortune so I'm up for learning Ranged AD.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1624 on: January 25, 2012, 02:38:31 PM »

The only thing I can say, and I will say about support was when I was on Soraka on our loss I never had a time when I could leave lane. Niku was needing so much support that by the time I got to b for my first time I had enough gold to buy Philo, merc treads, 4 wards, an oracle and 2 health pots then I died my first time while sweeping river. The second time I finished shurelia's reverie  bought 5 more wards and another oracle. Then I tried to sweep but was also immediately killed. Even on our win, I had to spend far more time in lane than I would have liked, never being able to do my warding passes/sweeping. Hell, the second game we lost when you guys kept telling me to buy oracles, I bought 4 which is also how many times I died. Every time I died I had it on me but I was never able to move into a position that would allow me to sweep. So, that's my thoughts on my support, also about my tanking, I can play Amumu very well but I didn't want to play him because Niku was down on him at the start talking about how he was just a jungle tank and we shouldn't use him. My absolute best tanks are, as I said in chat before, Malphite, Amumu and Rammus. I only suggested Alistar because when I said I wanted to play tanky and you guys said I should go bottom Niku made some noise about us needing a support bottom and Ali is the only supporty tank I know. So, as I said, in my first post, when I play to win I play Rammus, Amumu, Malphite, Xin or Ryze with Alistar and Nasus as people I am comfortable also playing if I need to. There's a reason I put Nasus and Alistar as the last in my list of three people I like in a role with Rammus and Malphite bolded as people I am very strong as.

Also note: I am not saying I did nothing wrong as support, I am taking into account that you guys all called me on the shit I did wrong. I did exactly as you said and need to work on that I'm just making a statement about some reasons I felt I couldn't do certain things. I know what I need to work on and will be attempting to work on it and I'm glad you guys told me what I did wrong.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1625 on: January 25, 2012, 03:06:11 PM »

Gotta speak up dude, tell Niku to play defensive so you can shop. Inform him of the need and he'll react.

Also I want you to learn more tanks because Rammus and Amumu are common bans. When you say your best tanks are Amumu, Rammus and Alistar you're saying you can play Amumu or Alistar. I know it's contradictory to my "play to win" nonsense, but it's mighty hard to work around bans. I do like the idea that we'd be better off with 2 beef-cakes than a straight up Tank-Tank.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1626 on: January 25, 2012, 06:07:01 PM »

Trust me, when I make noise about things like "AMUMU IS A JUNGLE TANK" it's not just because, well, that's what his meta position is in the meta community.  That's also shorthand for "Amumu will get his ass handed to him by 99% of solo top characters and can do nothing supporting an AD carry that other tanks or supports don't do better."  Amumu is an absolutely incredible ganker and is devastating in teamfights, but he really needs a.) some farm to be amazing as anything other than a CC-bot and b.) someone to capitalize on his incredible advantages.  I have altitis, but on the plus side, it means I know how almost every single character in the game plays and can generally gauge their strengths and weaknesses when put in certain roles. I don't play at a ~tournament level~ or anything, but I pay enough attention to the way tournaments are going or how tier lifts or shifting to know why champions are favored in certain ways, and more importantly, why.  Like I was hammering on how OP Graves and Soraka can be.  By themselves, those two characters are good.  As a pair, they're goddamn brutal specifically because Graves has more spell-like burst than many AD carries do and Soraka gives him the endless mana to do it eternally.

So yeah, basically I say this not as a HA HA I KNOW SO MUCH IN THEORY because I think if anything my theorycrafting overshoots my actual ability by quite a bit.  Tier lists don't matter when you're playing at dope ELO, but they're an okay start.  Honestly, playing a champion who you are incredibly strong with is far more important than following the meta to a T (as Doom keeps saying!) and can in fact catch an opposing team off-guard if they're expecting something different.  I mentioned at some point that I really, really hate lanes that push absolutely nonstop, because my brain is wired to the "politely last hit and occasionally harass if they step out of line" way of playing, and that's the downfall of expecting things to go a certain way at certain times -- but it can be a boon if you're the one doing the disrupting (important part) as long as you know exactly what you're doing.

Also I am genuinely sorry I kept yelling for you to get Oracles, but that was honestly less WE NEED YOU TO HAVE ORACLES RIGHT THIS SECOND and more IF I TELL YOU TO GET IT OFTEN ENOUGH IT WILL STICK IN YOUR HEAD TO GET IT.  Oracles should honestly be something you get as early as you can afford it as support, as being able to blind their river is like cracking open a deliciously just-baked loaf of french bread open and compelling your jungler to be carried toward you by the scent alone.
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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1627 on: January 25, 2012, 07:34:17 PM »

fuck, now i want french bread, you fucking asshole


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1628 on: January 27, 2012, 05:39:45 AM »



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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1629 on: January 27, 2012, 07:44:20 AM »

Gee that's a neat pop-up, I wish Steam would send me one of those. Maybe I'll check the DOTA 2 game entry on the Steam Store, cause it's certainly not in my e-mail, my steam mail, my inventory, any pop-ups, or even my games library.



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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1630 on: January 28, 2012, 02:58:07 PM »

Space Channel Robotnik



Let's do this again Tuesday you metal morons. 6:30 PM Eastern again.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1631 on: January 28, 2012, 04:06:15 PM »

Will do!


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1632 on: January 31, 2012, 03:40:50 PM »

oh boy i can't wait to play league of legends with my internet friends in twelve minutes ago!

.. o .. oh.

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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1633 on: January 31, 2012, 04:02:24 PM »

William and I are at work until 8PM CST about.

if you can find replacements go ahead! we'll be there in spirit!


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1634 on: February 01, 2012, 11:48:15 AM »

Welp, Galio's a decent foil for Yorick in bot. I'm not sure how I didn't realize it earlier. Rank up Bulwark a bit quicker than usual and get a Spirit Visage; he's literally spending mana to heal you, and he'll probably run out of steam before you do as long as you're smart about the health pack. I didn't know it was even possible in Dom, but I ended up carrying my team to victory; everywhere I went, the other guys backed off. I was a bit worried about fighting the first Ziggs I had ever seen but then I realized he helpfully kept throwing bunches of healing mines at me. What a nice little fellow.

In other news, the new Locket seems like a great fit for Janna. I suspect it's more practical overall than making the Heart of Gold into a Randuin's, but I'm kind of torn about trying getting an early Emblem of Valor so I can make the most of it in lane. Gonna have to experiment a bit I suppose. I wonder if it's worth delaying Ionian Boots for the EoV. Maybe I'll just have to think about gold runes.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1635 on: February 11, 2012, 06:48:18 PM »

God damned glass cannons. Stupid ass retarded fucking glass cannons. Everywhere I look. It's a pestilence.

Tryn (idiot): hey you defended that point much longer than i did, but you don't have invincibility, what gives
Galio (me): yeah i have 300 armor and mr
Tryn: nah defense sucks in dominion there must be some other reason WAIT HOLD THAT THOUGHT there's a ryze alone underneath his point imma take him out
Galio: dude he's got 150 armor and a snare and you don't have any mr and and and and you're already dead aren't you.
Tryn: omg ryze op

(i've just about killed sion as morde; i got my ult on him, his stun is on cooldown and i'm kiting him until he dies. allied pantheon walks up)
Morde: dude back off what are you doing
Panth: imma finish that sion
Morde: wait-
Panth: don't be greedy bro
(sion goes to meet pantheon, two shots his no defense ass, gets half his health back)
Morde: wow i'm sure sion is real happy you saved his life there
Panth: i was stunned i couldn't do anything
Morde: no you weren't, i saw you try to spear him
Panth: fuck off noob

(sion and vlad are holding our bot. wukong, heimer and ziggs are heading there. they're glass cannons.)
Jarvan (me): guys we ain't knocking sion and vlad off that point, we need to cap somewhere else, someone come top with me)
(the three stooges charge bot, die instantly. sion and vlad are still at full health)
Jarvan: well i sure hope you guys learned your lesson, now try something else
(again, the three idiots charge bot together and die instantly again)
Jarvan: what the f do you think you're doing?
wukong: we're distracting them noob
Jarvan: yeah you're distracting them by feeding them half a dozen kills while our nexus is ticking down, good work

(pre-game, i see we got a blitz and a sion. finally! i pick ahri and go bot. i do super well. we lose the mill and never get it back, then we lose our mid for good)
Ahri: how come you're losing every team fight
Sion: it is a mystery
(i check our builds; neither sion nor blitz have any defense whatsoever. the other two guys are also glass cannons)
Ahri: for god's sake all i got is a rod of ages and an abyssal scepter and i'm still tankier than any three of you put together
Blitz: that don't make any sense you're an AP carry
Ahri: I KNOW

I once doubted the existence of Elo hell. But this is it. I'm up to my eyebrows in it. It ain't even trolls, it's just... idiots. Uncounted waves upon waves of braindead morons who think "counterbuild" is a masonry term. I don't know, man, I just don't know.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1636 on: February 11, 2012, 08:45:40 PM »

After a bad losing streak right after getting back into the game I've shot my MMR down so far that I'm in games where nobody on either side builds armor or merc treads and almost everyone follows recommended builds and dies to stupid shit. While this is nice in that I get a lot of easy kills and usually get a good item build together, it's hard to win when your team insists on doing stupid shit like invading the enemy jungle alone at the 45 minute mark.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1637 on: February 12, 2012, 05:37:33 AM »

crap.. you had a lol date and i wasnt in on it again -_-
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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1638 on: February 13, 2012, 07:54:04 PM »

So I started playing LoL I guess, if anyone wants to make a smurf and play with me, I'd love the company!  I really can't see myself playing this game with random teams.


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Re: LoL, HoN
« Reply #1639 on: February 14, 2012, 01:27:27 PM »

New Shen is pretty sexy, but his changed mechanics on top of a slight hit to his ratios mean that I'm probably gonna stop giving him a straight-up caster build. Ki Strike scales better and refreshes on his own autoattacks now, so Zeke's Herald is all-around spectacular on him and I could see going for Wit's End at some point. I'm gonna keep Rylai's and Hextech Sweeper on the list, but Deathcap is more or less out of the question now; I'd probably get Zhonya's or Randuin's instead for late game, depending on whether I need more meat or more AP. I suppose I could look at Warmog's, but it's not in Dom, and I expect to have much better things to spend money on in SR than straight HP.

Overall I felt a lot deadlier and more... weighty. Like I contribute more. The better Ki Strike and the energy refund on Shadow Dash probably have a lot to do with that. I'll be sad to see the massive stacks of grey life bars on allies and on myself go away, but it seems like a fair price to pay.

EDIT: Nashor's Tooth. Hmm. Hmmmmmmmmm.

So I started playing LoL I guess, if anyone wants to make a smurf and play with me, I'd love the company!  I really can't see myself playing this game with random teams.

I ain't too keen on smurfs in general, but at this point I don't care enough about my main account Elo to mind playing with new people as long as they have at least two brain cells to rub together. So, uh, see you when I see you. ;)
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