I had a dream where a girl went to live with her uncle and nephew. The uncle was working on some sort of book, and she spent a lot of time playing with the nephew. Eventually weird shit started to happen, I remember particularly the nephew standing at the door from inside the house and watching a younger version of himself trying to get in, and some friends of the uncle started coming over. The friends were normal until this freaky fake-blonde lady showed up and somehow it got out she was a neo-Nazi. From there the girl found out that her uncle and all his friends were part of some magic cannibalism cult, and they sacrificed the girl.
I didn't like the ending and I was half awake, so I rewound the dream and tried to save the girl. This time she got suspicious much earlier and started investigating the uncle. To no avail, as he quickly caught on when she started asking about his book (it was some book of horrible forbidden spells that required human flesh). She ended up running into the nearby shark pool to at least keep herself from being a sacrifice, and managed to drag the uncle in there too. They both got eaten by sharks.
I rewound the dream again, because being eaten by sharks was a terrible ending. Now the girl was much more subtle about figuring things out and started to make plans to escape without the uncle noticing. I remember not being able to tell if the uncle was actually on to her or not, he kept making cryptic comments, but he had been weird since the second go-round. Eventually the girl managed to sneak out of the house and find a boat (they were on an island) to take her back to the mainland, but it was a motor boat and she couldn't start it without waking up the uncle. The dream ended with her trying to move the boat away from the pier with her hands and get into a current so she could get away.
This time I decided to leave it at that because the uncle was seriously creeping me out and just wake up long enough to clear the dream out so I wouldn't have it again.