Okay, wow. I just played with a team who pushed as a group twice, got aced both times, then on their third push I pulled back and defended the base after they all got killed again, then they blamed me for them dying.
Fair enough, it was my fault, sure. Then they were getting ready for a new push to which I said we should play be playing defensive, to which all four of them simultaneously surrendered and bitched at me in the chat for costing them the game.
This sort of thing has been griping on me for a while, actually. In late game, you don't need to push. The enemy team will always come up to you and if you just grind them up a few times, you can get a huge advantage. Way too many people go, "Oh, we've aced them, we need to PUSH PUSH PUSH," but it's just horseshit. I'd rather ace the enemy team, go kill Nashor, ace them AGAIN, then push. I just think a lot of people are afraid to do it because it requires a repeat performance of ability, rather than winning because some idiot ran out of the base and got instantly gibbed.