LOL stupidity follows:
Just bought Warwick the other day. Playing a game tonight with my wife, I'm going full jungle and immediately get to it.
Ashe at bot starts attacking the twin golem spawn. I roll my eyes at her and just go on my way, since I pretty much never bother with the twin golem spawn until late, it's not something I was worried about. Get my blue, get my red, start to gank. Next time I go over to get my red buff, ashe is there. Trying to get the red buff.
So I do the reasonable thing. I wait until the lizard's at 400 HP and smite him. Then immediately say in chat; "Red buff is not for ashe." I guess I could have approached this better, but really. Ashe is neither a ganker nor lacking in the slow or damage department. She's also not jungling, and I'm of the opinion that any full jungler gets first dibs on the buffs. She starts bitching at me, but I just blew her off, and proceeded to get a double kill and get two assists in the next 45 seconds. "That's why Warwick gets the red buff, Ashe."
The game goes on, and as we progress she goes on at length bitching at me about everything. My item build, the fact that I keep going back to the jungle between ganking (as if ganking full time is a viable strategy past summoner level 10) and the fact that i'm not tanking, only jump into fights to kill dudes at low health, only attack from the bushes, don't initiate, etc, etc, etc. You know, all those things that you keep gankers around for in the first place. I was always under the impression that warwick was best played as a chaser. You know, from that multi-hit stun thing, the attack speed boost, lifesteal q that deals a % of maximum health and buff that massively boosts runspeed when near a low health hero.
As the game goes on and it becomes more and more apparent that I'm having a much better game than her in the kda department, she changes the topic to how KDA does not matter, what really matters is DPS, and Warwick is a bad hero for DPS, and I have no damage gear (Wriggle's Lantern, Youmuu's ghostblade, Black Cleaver, Frozen Mallet. The only item I had that wasn't damage based was my fucking shoes.) and that my job should be to initiate teamfights (when not built as tankwick) and to protect her (a support dps AT BEST) and Ryze. (A bottom tier burster being played TERRIBLY)