Since you guys felt the need to dismiss my valid opinion on two vastly overrated pieces of crap, I'm gonna rant about it. Because I fucking hate them and even remembering them makes me want to vomit. No really, I become physically ill when I think about them.
Catloaf. Do you even remember why everyone says they're the greatest thing?
Because Citizen Kane utilized every cinematographic technique known at the time expertly. The problem is, all of it together makes it feel extremely inconsistent. Sure, start it out film noire, then change the style several times, without any relation to the plot. The plot is awful; oh wow, a filthy rich bastard has regrets and is miserable. Who cares!? The absolute worst part is the audio, which is way too loud and distracting. In the scenes the are supposed to be subtle the musing is blasting and dramatic. And there's virtually no sound in the mundane scenes. And using a loud brass band that is amplified just as much as the dialogue and thus way too fucking loud and obnoxious is never a good idea in film, seriously, it's my one complaint about kurosawa films.
On HoldenClaufielddoesnothingofinterestforanentirebook'sworthoftext, he's an idiot who rambles constantly in a manner of speech that makes him impossible to relate to or respect in this day and age. Also kid's aren't innocent, they're bigger bastards than adults. So shut up about protecting their innocence, they don't have any. South park criticized it perfectly in their 'filthiest book ever' episode.
Because they're smarter than you.
First off, fuck you.
Second, it's not that I don't get them it's that they did not age well and I completely disagree with their messages. Well, not so much the message of CK, but I just don't give a damn about rich people's problems. They're rich, their problems are petty, vain and an insult to everyone else who would love to have those problems. Sure I didn't get the other stuff by Salinger, but CitR is no 'a perfect day for bananafish' in terms of inaccessibility.