The Thing ThemeI'd like to run another Thing game. We'll use close to the same rules as before. The only change will be the new Timer system, with Hammertime.
However, since all of you probably don't remember the rules, I'll post them again.
THE RULESWe will use anonymous accounts.
Make a new account. Do not reuse an old alternate account. Other players can check old threads to determine who you are. This has happened before.The old anonymous account names will be taken, so add a "2" at the end, or whatever. Make sure you using the correct name, though.
R. J. MacReady, Helicopter pilot
Dr. Blair, a station biologist
Childs, the station's mechanic
Nauls, the station's cook
Palmer, the station's backup helicopter pilot and mechanic
Dr. Copper, the station's physician
Vance Norris, the station's geophysicist
George Bennings, the station's meteorologist
Clark, the station's wrangler who takes the "thing" dog in when it arrives
Garry, the station commander
Fuchs, the station's other biologist
Windows, the station's radio operator
There are 12 players. The roles are as follows.
Innocent - 4
Flamethrower - 2
Dynamite - 4
The Thing - 2
What the roles doInnocentNothing! Good luck!
FlamethrowerYou can kill another player, once per night. You may do this as many times as you want per game. You do not have to kill. Killing randomly is a wonderful way to kill the other Flamethrower or a Dynamite, so be very careful. You have night priority, so you move before the Thing does. If you kill someone who was targeted for assimilation that night, I will display a
killed while being assimilated message at daybreak.
An assimilated Flamethrower may no longer kill.DynamiteOnce per game, during the day, you may
throw your dynamite at another player. This player is killed.
You may not throw dynamite if you have 2 or more votes on you. An assimilated Dynamite may still use his dynamite if it remains.
You cannot throw dynamite on day 1.The ThingThere are two starting Things.
Any Thing may assimilate, including a freshly made Thing. However, the team may assimilate no more than one person per night.
An assimilated Flamethrower loses his kill. An assimilated Dynamite retains his dynamite, assuming he hasn't used it.
Victory ConditionsInnocents: All Things are dead.
The Thing:
All flame throwers are dead or assimilated AND you outnumber the amount of non-assimilated dynamite left in the game.The TestThere is no lynch. Instead, you vote on testing one person per day. (hot wire, blood) If that person is a Thing, he will be revealed.
The only way to kill is by flamethrower or dynamite. In addition, one random person, per day, will have an additional test that they may use at their discretion. They must use this test before the vote-test is done, and before time is up, or it is lost.
The TimerEach day phase will last 48 hours. At the end of this time, the player with the most votes for will be tested. However, any player may, once per game, declare
Hammertime and extend the day timer by 24 hours.
This may be done any number of times per day.Each night phase will last 48 hours. At the end of this time, untaken actions will be lost.
PLEASE SEND ME A PM STATING YOU CHOOSE TO NO-KILL AS A FLAMETHROWER. THIS WILL ALLOW ME TO UPDATE FASTER.OtherI wish for this game to be as tense and awesome as the last game. For this to happen, I need 12 players who will/can pay attention to the game. Innocent apathy will lose you the game. Thing apathy will lose you the game. All players must be active.
I will pause the game if something comes up that makes you leave for more than 48 hours. That being said, please do not sign up for this unless you are willing to PLAY in it. Activity makes games great. I'd say at least be able to check the thread two times a day, minimum.
I understand that I just ran a game and some people might be busy elsewhere. That's OK. I don't want to run this until I can get 12 people who really want to have a great game of wolf. The last time was a favorite of many players, and I want to live up to that.
Sign ups and questions go here.