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Author Topic: Recettear and Pawn Star Mega Thread  (Read 5528 times)

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Recettear and Pawn Star Mega Thread
« on: September 11, 2010, 01:56:30 PM »

Steam recently acquired some sort of quirky Japanese game(or Doujin as the word translates) for $20! Apparently it is a Mystery Dungeon Style Mega Crawler combined with a LOLI MERCHANT SIMULATOR! That is right you hire adventurers and then run around dungeons getting TREASURE, THE GREATEST REWARD and then BAM, YOU SELL IT TO CHUMPS FOR MONEY, WHICH IS LIKE AN EQUIVALENT TO THE VALUE TREASURE MIGHT HOLD! WOW!

The whole thing is very cute and charming and hnnnnnnng my heart and the writing is kind of hilarious if you can appreciate the pox of 4chan/SA comedian types stalking around translation teams. If nothing else it's coherent and dedicated English and CAPITALISM, HO!

Aside from the Dungeon Thing being pretty good looking with the tutorial actually being pretty engaging, the item selling aspect is neat-o torpedo. You primarily haggle with folks, arrange items on display around your shop to catch attention, and can get to know specific shoppers and even meet new Adventurer pals through doing so.

If you fuck up your Loli has to live in a cardboard box don't you feel bad.


Also I don't actually watch Pawn Star but as I understand it it is about a guy opening a pawn shop in Las Vegas and offering gambling addicts 10% value for their priceless heirlooms because they're impatient idiots who don't understand how economics work. Sounds like my kind of show, honestly!


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Re: Recettear and Pawn Star Mega Thread
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2010, 02:22:48 PM »

Pawn Stars is hilarious because when he finds out that the stuff people brings in is worth 10 grand or some shit the bald guy is like I DON'T KNOW I CAN'T SPEND THAT MUCH ON THIS HOW ABOUT 4 GRAND? You really ought to watch a few episodes.

Oh and this game is pretty good too.


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Re: Recettear and Pawn Star Mega Thread
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2010, 03:37:53 PM »

I watched about a minute of an LP of a fella dungeon crawling in this game and good fucking lord how could anyone subject themselves to this

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Re: Recettear and Pawn Star Mega Thread
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2010, 03:41:17 PM »

Let's Play Recettear - Part 1 of 4

You just didn't watch the right LP.

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Re: Recettear and Pawn Star Mega Thread
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2010, 03:43:37 PM »

I've been convinced of the quality of the gameplay, and that the art style is not hiding the kind of ridiculously skeezy stuff I've been conditioned to associate it with, but I have every reason to believe that the music is going to drive me completely insane. So I think I need to sit on this decision for a while.
...but is it art?


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Re: Recettear and Pawn Star Mega Thread
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2010, 03:53:34 PM »

I watched about a minute of an LP of a fella dungeon crawling in this game and good fucking lord how could anyone subject themselves to this

Kazz's LP isn't too flattering (thank fuck those cutscenes and tutorials can be skipped), but he did end up enjoying it.

I purchased it myself.  Not even done the second week, however the market has been very kind.  I thought the rival girl would be a bitch but since she's so fabulously wealthy she'll buy your most expensive shit that no one else will touch.  I definitely need to start attracting higher-class patrons.

I've been convinced of the quality of the gameplay, and that the art style is not hiding the kind of ridiculously skeezy stuff I've been conditioned to associate it with, but I have every reason to believe that the music is going to drive me completely insane. So I think I need to sit on this decision for a while.

Options -> Music Volume -> 0

You can do the same with the voices if you get tired of KONNICHI-WAAAAA (which I'm totally not)

Of course you could have just checked the demo out instead of being a wishy-washy elitist dickbag (yes I am exaggerating my hostility but that doesn't make your comment any less stupid)
"Imagine punching somebody so hard that they turned into a door. Then you found out that's where ALL doors come from, and you got initiated into a murder club that makes doors. The stronger you punch, the better the door. So there are like super strong murderers who punch people into Venetian doors and shit"

Bongo Bill

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Re: Recettear and Pawn Star Mega Thread
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2010, 04:05:35 PM »

Options? Who'd have thunk it?
...but is it art?


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Re: Recettear and Pawn Star Mega Thread
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2010, 05:43:11 PM »

Det I'm totally trying not to be a massive downer this time around but just

Let's play Recettear part 2 Dungeon Diving!

holy fuck I would shoot myself in the face after about a minute of this


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Re: Recettear and Pawn Star Mega Thread
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2010, 05:52:40 PM »

Pawn Stars is hilarious because when he finds out that the stuff people brings in is worth 10 grand or some shit the bald guy is like I DON'T KNOW I CAN'T SPEND THAT MUCH ON THIS HOW ABOUT 4 GRAND? You really ought to watch a few episodes.

Oh and this game is pretty good too.

You forgot Chumley being hilariously dumb


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Re: Recettear and Pawn Star Mega Thread
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2010, 06:15:08 PM »

holy fuck I would shoot myself in the face after about a minute of this

perhaps you would be fortunate enough to own a computer that can run it at more than half speed


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Re: Recettear and Pawn Star Mega Thread
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2010, 06:16:13 PM »

Kabbage: I also condemn games entirely based on their tutorial sections.

When they told me to pick up that can in Half-Life 2, I pitched my monitor out the fucking window because I didn't have time to see if anything more exciting happened.


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Re: Recettear and Pawn Star Mega Thread
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2010, 06:32:47 PM »

This would be a likely scenario if you had to spend an hour picking up the can.

Or if there was a flashback sequence before you were told to put it in the trashcan.


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Re: Recettear and Pawn Star Mega Thread
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2010, 07:18:00 PM »

Kabbage: I also condemn games entirely based on their tutorial sections.

When they told me to pick up that can in Half-Life 2, I pitched my monitor out the fucking window because I didn't have time to see if anything more exciting happened.

Alright alright, here's part 34:

Let's play Recettear part 34

He now has a motorcycle to get from the same green blobs and spiders quicker.


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Re: Recettear and Pawn Star Mega Thread
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2010, 07:49:44 PM »

and he is still CLEARLY running at half speed



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Re: Recettear and Pawn Star Mega Thread
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2010, 07:57:30 PM »

it's still mind-numbingly repetitive, regardless of speed
"And it is because they have fallen prey to a weakened, feminized version of Christianity that is only about softer virtues such as compassion and not in any part about the muscular Christian virtues of individual responsibility and accountability."


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Re: Recettear and Pawn Star Mega Thread
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2010, 08:02:04 PM »

Alright alright, here's one of it being played on a better computer:

Recettear An Item Shop's Tale [Demo] Gameplay

I mean it's like this Korean MMO-level mind-numbing tedium for something that's supposed to be a relatively important chunk of the game (though I realize not the focus)


Folks seem to be enjoying the game and I have not played it so I'm gonna stop being such a dang negative nancy and let everyone talk about Recettear already


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Re: Recettear and Pawn Star Mega Thread
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2010, 08:25:17 PM »

This sure reminds me of people watching a single cutscene from Metroid and declaring the game shit.

I mean, christ, there's a FREE DEMO.  You don't have to GUESS whether you will or won't enjoy it.

If you're so convinced that it's not a game you'd like, fine.  You won't see me imploring you to reconsider.  I'm not constantly harassing you about playing it so why are you even posting?  It is the height of wet blanketry to rag on a game you haven't played when other people are giving it a shot and enjoying it.  I just don't understand the point.

Folks seem to be enjoying the game and I have not played it so I'm gonna stop being such a dang negative nancy and let everyone talk about Recettear already

Oh great, it only took you 3 posts to realize you're doing nothing but dragging down the conversation.

I know I'm being pretty huffy here but you gotta realize what a huge D you look like.
"Imagine punching somebody so hard that they turned into a door. Then you found out that's where ALL doors come from, and you got initiated into a murder club that makes doors. The stronger you punch, the better the door. So there are like super strong murderers who punch people into Venetian doors and shit"


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Re: Recettear and Pawn Star Mega Thread
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2010, 08:33:54 PM »

Really honestly, I don't like the game much either (because it's a sim and I don't do sims) but the dungeon exploring bits are competent enough.  It's lacking the one or two other basic attacks a more professional ARPG would give you but it's not approaching the tedium of RO or anything.

But even then the game isn't about dungeon crawling, it's about dealing with a town full of finicky NPCs who never tell you what the hell they want.  Meh.


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Re: Recettear and Pawn Star Mega Thread
« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2010, 08:49:58 PM »

Yeah, the game's far from flawless.  I don't like how you're encouraged NOT try to get the highest profit possible.

To explain:  Whenever you successfully complete a transaction, you get a base 10XP.  However, if you completed the transaction without any haggling, you get a bonus +2XP.  This bonus will double for each consecutive customer you earn the bonus with in that time period, but it will reset if you have to haggle or botch the transaction.  So if you play it safe you can earn +64 or +128XP in a single transaction, gaining levels WAY faster than if you constantly haggle.  These merchant levels unlock better merchandise and other features, so in the end it will get you a lot more profit than with the extra few hundred pix that haggling will get you.  I think it would have served better to give the bonus if you managed to sell within a certain range of the maximum the customer was willing to pay, regardless of haggling.  Otherwise there's really no reason to ever sell over 105-110% base value (which is still a decent profit since the market/guild sells to you around 70% base value).
"Imagine punching somebody so hard that they turned into a door. Then you found out that's where ALL doors come from, and you got initiated into a murder club that makes doors. The stronger you punch, the better the door. So there are like super strong murderers who punch people into Venetian doors and shit"


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Re: Recettear and Pawn Star Mega Thread
« Reply #19 on: September 11, 2010, 09:33:05 PM »

The haggling system in general bugs me because that's not the way item shops in RPGs work.
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