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Author Topic: The Thing Returns (PT)  (Read 14950 times)

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Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« Reply #60 on: September 14, 2010, 01:21:26 PM »

Sorry, I can't stop.

So it seems like in the majority of cases there, the random test will end up with at least a possibility of finding a Thing if not for sure identifying one if they refuse to test themselves.

I have crafted some linguistic trainwrecks over the years, and I've probably been wrong more than half the time, but I haven't yet managed to work that many hedge-phrases into a single sentence. A tip of the hat, sir; it's always delightful to find someone struggling with the same obstacles that I tend to trip over myself.

W Brimlair

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Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« Reply #61 on: September 14, 2010, 01:26:19 PM »

Well I'm sorry but I have diabetes and this is the first day of a wolf game. Excuse me for communicating my general level of uncertainty in a game where no one knows what roles anyone is nor who they even are in general!

*squirms in his restraints angrily*


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Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« Reply #62 on: September 14, 2010, 06:30:15 PM »

I tried not to, but I may have accidentally hit some of these alt accounts in my latest purging of the canned meat peddlers.

If I did just make a new account.  Sorry.


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Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« Reply #63 on: September 14, 2010, 06:41:57 PM »

Also I turned on post counting in this board because apparently disabling all the anti-spam caused a bunch of spam?  strangely enough


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Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« Reply #64 on: September 14, 2010, 06:45:09 PM »

Gentlemen, some of us actually have to work every once in a while to run this station.  I'd appreciate it if you stopped asking me to forsake my duties in order to play in your little game.

If anybody asks again where I am, tell them I'm out getting a SANDWICH.


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Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« Reply #65 on: September 14, 2010, 06:46:24 PM »

: I'm going to hide this tape when I'm finished. If none of us make it, at least there'll be some kind of record. The SPAM'S been hitting us hard now for 48 hours. We still have PRESCRIPTION DRUGS AND LIMOUSINES.
"And it is because they have fallen prey to a weakened, feminized version of Christianity that is only about softer virtues such as compassion and not in any part about the muscular Christian virtues of individual responsibility and accountability."


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Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« Reply #66 on: September 14, 2010, 11:33:31 PM »

After failing to locate any things, you retire to your rooms and barricade the doors, hoping it will be enough, trusting no one to share a room with.

It wasn't enough.

Clark is found burned alive the next morning. Autopsy reveals he was a normal human with no weapons.

And someone else is now no longer a normal human.

11 players remain.

R. J. MacReady, Helicopter pilot
Dr. Blair, a station biologist
Childs, the station's mechanic
Nauls, the station's cook
Palmer, the station's backup helicopter pilot and mechanic
Dr. Copper, the station's physician
Vance Norris, the station's geophysicist
George Bennings, the station's meteorologist
Garry, the station commander
Fuchs, the station's other biologist
Windows, the station's radio operator

Clark - Human

It takes 6 votes to give the test.

It is now Day 2. 48 hour timer begins now.

The Ghost of Noris Batasha

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Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« Reply #67 on: September 14, 2010, 11:54:09 PM »

I actually saw that coming a mile away. Well, not the part about the asshole with the flame thrower. Me getting the test, that's what I saw coming. Call it a premonition? I don't know. Fuck it.

Okay, so before you vote with bold letters, vote with italicized letters whoever gets six italicized votes gets tested. I'm recusing myself from italicized voting.


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Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« Reply #68 on: September 15, 2010, 12:44:50 AM »



Nauls - Human on D1 (tested by Palmer)
Palmer - Human on D1 (vote)



3 of these 11 players are horrible monsters.  (Also, one of either Nauls and Palmer can't be a Thing, but we do not know which.)

I appreciate Norris's enthusiasm for democracy, but it could easily be an attempt to make him seem trustworthy while subtly hinting against a self-test.  Therefore, as far as his test goes, I vote for Norris.  For now, anyway.

Searching for the originals is a decent idea, but I really should stress the following point:

We could kill one Thing every night, and we'd lose this game.

We need to take chances, and at some point we need to get lucky.  This game is balanced against us.

As far as that goes: if you have dynamite, and you want to use it, you should declare your intention to before you do it and we should discuss it.  After all, it's not like you can be denied the chance during the day. (edit: actually you can, forgot that rule)  But once you do declare that you have dynamite, you must throw it that day.  If a Thing turns a guy with dynamite, he can throw it, and we become a great deal more fucked.

Or you can just throw it.  You know.  If you want to be a stupid motherfucker.


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Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« Reply #69 on: September 15, 2010, 01:03:22 AM »

I would actually be more interested in testing Norris if somebody else had gotten the extra test. All the same, I'll also put my italics vote on Norris.

p.s. I'm throwing dynamite today. I'd just as soon wait until our first test has come back before we get too in-depth on potential targets.


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Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« Reply #70 on: September 15, 2010, 01:07:16 AM »

As far as that goes: if you have dynamite, and you want to use it, you should declare your intention to before you do it and we should discuss it.  After all, it's not like you can be denied the chance during the day.  But once you do declare that you have dynamite, you must throw it that day.  If a Thing turns a guy with dynamite, he can throw it, and we become a great deal more fucked.

Actually, though, you can be denied the chance, if two people are bold-voting for you before you get the opportunity to respond. Having publicly declared that I have dynamite, I'd also like to state my intention right now to throw it at the first person to vote for me--if somebody votes for me, please wait long enough for me to respond before putting the second vote on me. I'd like to be able to prove that I'm not making an empty threat to avoid votes.


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Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« Reply #71 on: September 15, 2010, 03:00:49 AM »

Palmer has got to be a thing. If not then test me to prove so. Whoever got the daily test.

W Brimlair

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Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« Reply #72 on: September 15, 2010, 05:47:05 AM »

How do you figure it has to be one of you guys? The Things could have gotten anyone.

I think that Fuchs claiming his dynamite this early was a little dumb btw, he's a prime target for assimilation now, though I guess we do have an other dynamite and two flamethrowers and this is good way for him to remove himself as a test target. But was it really worth it? I found you to be pretty trustworthy and honestly, I don't think I would have assimilated you already if I was the Things, too predictable since you were so active on day one.

W Brimlair

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Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« Reply #73 on: September 15, 2010, 05:54:52 AM »

Look, we've got to at least TRY to find two things in one day, that or one of the flamethrowers has gotta be a better blind vigilante than he was last night or we aren't going to kill these bastards.

That and, we have to try to shake out a mistake, a flub somewhere among some of the weaker Thing players so that if it comes down to do or die, we can start just shooting and throwing and hopefully have enough to go on that we get it right. Remember the Things will be stressing a little at that point too, being so close to victory.

With all that in mind, I think we should still be trying some of the more quiet players, I really do think either Gary, Copper, Bennings or Norris is one of the first two Things or maybe is one now anyway.

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Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« Reply #74 on: September 15, 2010, 06:01:10 AM »

Fuchs, you're a damned insane fool, but I can respect that. 

As for me, as much as I like Childs I just don't think at this point that I can sleep easy until I know he's on the level.  I might just sit up all night, staring at him, if I think there's even a possibility that he's one of those things.  As long as I have a blanket, anyway.  The cold puts me right to sleep.  Childs and Fuchs are both being as logical as possible about our situation and our odds, but well, Fuchs is the one who just pulled out a goddamn stick of dynamite, so by the process of elimination I want to make sure that one of those things isn't trying to be so much like us that he's above suspicion.  Not today though.  I'm willing to lose at least one night's sleep.  We can't self-test everyone every day, but at least for today, and given that we now have a stick of fucking dynamite on the table, I'm fine with testing Norris.

But I've got my eyes on you, Childs.

W Brimlair

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Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« Reply #75 on: September 15, 2010, 06:30:45 AM »

I'd rather test Copper, Bennings or Garry for only being active ENOUGH to avoid suspicion.

If you want Norris tested, then I say we get him to self test to prove he's not a thing and then use the vote test on one of those guys.

I'm thinking... Copper?

Hangin' With Dr Copper

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Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« Reply #76 on: September 15, 2010, 07:28:34 AM »

I'm thinking... Copper?

Quote from: W Brimlair
I really do think either Gary, Copper, Bennings or Norris is one of the first two Things or maybe is one now anyway.

So I'm leaving my vote on him now, though I do suspect Dr. Copper more.

My vote is for Dr. Copper but I think we should test Palmer as soon as possible with the next rando-test.

Actually on second thought, fine. Just test Palmer, he's weird.

But if he's Human it's gonna increase my suspicion of Childs and Copper.

Well, gentlemen, I won't lie, Blair has it in for me. He's jumping up and down like it's one of those damned Werewolf games we played to while away the nights. But this is no game, man, lives are at stake. I won't be accused so blatantly of being one of these ghastly CREATURES without some kind of evidence to back it up! Why don't you share your reasoning with us, Blair?

I'm actually more concerned that Blair directed accusations at Childs on Day 1, then those accusations dried up come the next morn! Perhaps because Doctor Blair now knows Child's true identity, since he's the one who infected him and turned him into a BUG-EYE!

Lay it out straight, gents:

Childs because I think he was turned and,

Garry, because THAT GUY'S A MANIAC, and giving the taxing nature of his duties, whether he's a man or a DROOLING BEAST, his posting style would be exactly the same, and I don't intend to be ousted by a DEMON who is so uninterested in devouring us he'd rather go balance the station's books!


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Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« Reply #77 on: September 15, 2010, 07:40:55 AM »

Copper, there is no reason for you to be voting for Garry right now. Fuchs has admitted to carrying dynamite, and so he needs to use it before we test someone and end the day, otherwise he'll be a guaranteed thing by morning.

W Brimlair

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Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« Reply #78 on: September 15, 2010, 07:43:55 AM »

If you look at the rest of the posts you only quote parts of, I explain my reasoning pretty much every time. I think you've been too quiet and have only been making little posts where you don't seem to express any real reason for suspicions.

Your accusations against Childs now are the first real HUMAN-like playing I've seen you do all game. So you Norris, Garry and Bennings are all very supicious to me.

Childs may have been turned, but so could have anyone. I'm comforted by the fact though, that Childs rarely points the finger at anyone randomly, and usually just talks about strategies for finding the Things in general. It's the same reason I trust Fuchs.

Also yeah, don't start voting until we use the rando-test at least and probably not until after Fuchs dynamites.

Hangin' With Dr Copper

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Re: The Thing Returns (PT)
« Reply #79 on: September 15, 2010, 08:04:18 AM »

Oh fine. Vote rescinded.
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