So here's a few observations I've made (consider this post OOC):
Nauls is not helping anyone. Anyone who asks to be tested repeatedly is not a Thing, but completely unhelpful to the team. Not only with the Things never turn someone who asks to be tested every day, rendering the entire process useless, but if that person suddenly stops asking to be tested one day, it will be a dead giveaway that they have become a Thing.
As Fuchs said earlier, let's save self-testing for turn 6 or so, and if we're still completely blind to who's who by then, then the Things will probably have already won.
Finally, I'm honestly unclear on what "Thing-like" behaviour I've performed, but w/e. The way Blair was vehemently pursuing Childs as a target, then suddenly and abruptly stopped creeped me out more than some creepypasta I've read and it doesn't sit right with me. But, whatever, the most common badguy tactic is to post as little as possible, as Ziiro handily demonstrated last game. Sometimes it's not even an actual tactic, they just forget.
Please consider all this advice as being delivered from a proven Innocent.
On that note, I'd like to request to not be tested again for at least two days, possibly three. As you all said, something about my playstyle makes people jittery, which makes people jump at off-hand comments and therefore makes me a very poor target for Thing assimilation. I would expand on this, but it's not really in my best interests, since if I get turned, I want you guys to know as little about how I would operate as a Thing as possible.