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You are reading an archive of Brontoforumus, a.k.a. The Worst Forums Ever, from 2008 to early 2014.  Registration and posting (for most members) has been disabled here to discourage spambots from taking over.  Old members can still log in to view boards, PMs, etc.

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How much would you be willing to donate monthly for a dedicated server?

I wouldn't use it.
- 4 (15.4%)
I'd use it, but I can't donate anything right now.  Sorry.
- 8 (30.8%)
1 bux
- 0 (0%)
3 bux
- 1 (3.8%)
5 bux
- 7 (26.9%)
10 bux
- 2 (7.7%)
15 bux
- 0 (0%)
20 bux
- 2 (7.7%)
Do you like my hat? (20+)
- 2 (7.7%)

Total Members Voted: 26

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Author Topic: Worst Dedicated Server Ever  (Read 5306 times)

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Re: State of the Worst
« Reply #60 on: May 12, 2011, 09:28:21 PM »

A couple of people with hosting accounts have asked if they can use the passwd command in their shell, and the very short answer is "No".  The best I can do is offer to change your password for you to whatever you want; it's not going to give me access to anything I don't already have as root, anyway.
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