On Helena Guergis: That's just office politics that has no bearing on our activities as private citizens. For Mr harper, I think the last bit was more of a straw that broke the camel's back, and not the big deal: The more she was a liability for the promotion of Harper's evil dark conservative agenda (
), the more the PMO lost in manhours dealing with other stuff, like blocking allegations of conduct while the troops are still out and vulnerable to the lists of individuals.
It will blow over, and there's no reason why we should be concerned as her constituents will make it clear where she stands next election, Tory or Independent. For her, it doesn't matter either: She's already got the gold plated pension. She won't have to work anymore.
Also, knocking off three leaders would not do much good for they are the products of their party's institutions. The only exception is Duceppe, whose BQ would shrivel at his departure.