Oh, I'm not interested in seeing the gritty specifics myself. I actually think the documents are a non-issue tempest-in-a-teapot kind of thing.
As far as the detainee issue goes it could probably be summed up as "We fucked up. Either a bureaucrat forced military personnel to do something they disagreed with, or some military personnel looked the other way, maybe a bit of both, but regardless we fucked up. However, it's not nearly as bad as some other much more frightining fuck-ups from the 90's so, just try keep some perspective and learn from this one, eh?"
The Speaker's ruling is a spearate issue, and could have been fought over anything really. What it came down to was nothing less than the culmination of thirty (or arguably eighty) years of Prime Ministers gradually marginalizing the role of Parliament. Harper is just the end result of a long line of smarter, more charismatic men who did exactly what he did, only with a far greater and subtler sense of what they could and couldn't get away with.
Maybe it's a bit late, and maybe it would have been nice the line line hadn't need to be drawn in the first place, but all the same it's nice to have finally there in the sand.
Also: Totally agreed on us not seeing an election before July, for the exact same reason you believe this to be the case.
If Harper somehow manages to blunder his way into causing one (remember: Mr. Miliken has given him a very clear way out of this mess), I fully expect him to be strung up by his marginalia by his own caucus, because at their current levels, there's no way they're doing much better at the polls.