Dead serious on that.
He may be an evangelical Christian, but I'd take him in a HEARTBEAT over Harper.
Not least of which because he's a thoughtful, intelligent, nice guy.
Now... if Prime Ministers could run roughshod over the judiciary and the Constitution (well, more than the usual level abuse anyway), I'd probably not say that. But I actually would not be the least bit afraid that Manning would try to evangelize Canada (well, okay, I'd have no fears of him SUCCEEDING).
In case you hadn't noticed Harper has actively been trying in a sort of a sideways way. But when he tries, his popularity plummets. Most of Harper's worst failures have come when he tries to give in to his inner ideologue.
HOWEVER, if Iggy has really, truly, finally found his spinal column, he'd get my vote even with Manning around. But I'd actually have to think about it. With Harper, no thought is needed.