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Author Topic: News from the North  (Read 64135 times)

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Re: News from the North
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2008, 01:59:10 AM »

Hoo boy.  I know there's an expression for this, but I can't recall it.  "Pot calling the kettle black" doesn't quite fit.  I'm thinking more like "The cripple calling the lame man slow" but it's not quite rolling off the tongue.

Well, in all honesty, it's the lame man calling the cripple slow.  It's a bad time to be anywhere in the Americas, I guess.

Bush might be a bastard, but he never went out and fired all of congress and the house of representatives.


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Re: News from the North
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2008, 04:10:43 AM »

Sure, but it's not like our MPs do anything anyway.


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Re: News from the North
« Reply #22 on: September 10, 2008, 05:11:55 PM »

Massive flip-flop from the party leaders after the media spent three days nagging them ragged: The Greens are in.


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Re: News from the North
« Reply #23 on: September 11, 2008, 01:04:31 AM »

Was pissed off about that myself to the point of bringing that to my superiors.  To not let a party with more than 5% of the vote participate in all the major means was a warning sign which no one should let go by.  No one.

Also am pissed off that the sacrifice of my friends means naught to Harper as he tries to win a few swing ridings - you could say I'm bitter right now.

Very bitter.  ::(:

James Edward Smith

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Re: News from the North
« Reply #24 on: September 11, 2008, 07:07:07 AM »

Anyone who thinks Harper dissolved all the checks and balances of the Canadian government is living in a dreamland.

...along with those people who were ever under the misapprehension that we ever had any checks or balances.

Matt, what are you talking about, we have the Queen's royal representative. If that isn't enough of a balance to properly govern this wild wilderness fur trading settlement that we petty criminals, adventurers and freed indentured servants call the Canadian Dominion, then what pray tell is? What are you, one of the french or something?

I really wasn't looking forward to this election and was sort of burying my head in the sand and just hoping that it would go away some how. I mean, with a lame duck Liberal leader like Stefan Dion, I can't see Harper's ever strengthening Christian-right agenda being halted in the slightest by it, and that really makes me sad. Dion is a complete moron. They put him in charge over staggeringly more electable Bob Ray as a move could patch things up with Quebec after all the sponsorship scandal flak, and then he goes and alienates Quebec anyway before the election is even called. What a god damn fuck up he is. I mean, lots of Canadian politicians are fuck ups, but at least they aren't fuck ups with zero charisma.

We all thought that this was Canada, where European progressiveness could be found on American soil, but we were all just fooling ourselves. The Liberal party only did progressive things accidentally whenever they weren't busy lining their pockets or generally fucking the dog. The NDP is too radical as always and so we have turned to the Conservatives just because no one really cares who Steven Harper actually is, and at least he runs a tight ship or so he's managed to fool everyone into thinking because he isn't as blatantly corrupt or incompetent as the 13-year Liberals.

This whole thing with the 3 major parties not wanting to allow a legitimate 4th party (and yes they are the 4th party, the Bloc is not a fucking legitimate party because no party that stands for only one province should be counted as legitimate in a FEDERAL election) to get the same screen time as them was the final straw for me. WHO THE FUCK CARES IF HARPER, DION OR LATON SAY THEY WON'T COME TO THE DEBATE IF THE GREEN PARTY IS THERE? WE DON'T HAVE TO HEAR WHAT THEY HAVE TO SAY, THEY HAVE TO FIND SOME WAY TO TELL US. WE DON'T HAVE TO VOTE FOR THEM, DAMN IT. THEY HAVE TO MAKE US WANT TO VOTE FOR THEM. We are being governed by a bunch of over-inflated douchébags, children wearing their daddy's suits. why everyone suddenly thought that the situation was the complete reverse of this and thought that the debate had to yield to the politicians and not the other way around, I will never understand. But seriously, our politicians need to stop acting like we are begging them to run our country for us or something and start treating the role of party leader with some god damn respect.

I wouldn't mind starting some sort of "I vote for someone who isn't a jackass" campaign where we tried to get as many Canadians to vote for "Not a Jackass" as a write in candidate in as many ridings as possible.
Talk? Talk is for lovers, Merlin. I need a sword to be king.


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Re: News from the North
« Reply #25 on: September 11, 2008, 11:50:25 AM »

They put him in charge over staggeringly more electable Bob Ray as a move could patch things up with Quebec after all the sponsorship scandal flak, and then he goes and alienates Quebec anyway before the election is even called.

Hilariously, he's been alienating Québec long before he was even put in charge.

(and yes they are the 4th party, the Bloc is not a fucking legitimate party because no party that stands for only one province should be counted as legitimate in a FEDERAL election)


I've been sitting here for five minutes, trying to figure out where to begin pointing out how intensely wrong you are. It's like a gigantic cake. I don't even know if I should take a bite or let it stand there and merely contemplate its awe-inspiring size instead. There is a monumental, impressive amount of wrong baked into it, to such a degree that I can't even see any good in touching it. There's always going to be some left, and if it's not entirely gone then what's the point of starting? It's not like it's delicious.



I don't want to vote for a member of a party that has to cater to all those other provinces that I don't care about. That's right, I don't care about the rest of Canada. I don't have reasons to care. You can't make me care. I want my government to look out for me; the least business my chosen party has with other provinces, the better. If I could vote for a hypothetical Bloc Maskoutain in federal elections, I would. Even though it'd be only one guy.

Of course, at this point, you're asking me "if you don't care about the country, why do you vote for a federal party at all?"

As much as I don't like Canada's system of government as it is, I'm still begrudgingly part of it, and someone's going to represent my riding in Ottawa whether I like it or not. And if someone's going to represent me, I want this person to be one that agrees that I, among other things, don't need or want (and indeed refuse) to have the slightest, most minute impact on deciding who will set the tax rate for people living from British Columbia to Newfoundland. That's an opinion like any other, and if you say that me and people like me shouldn't have this opinion represented, then you're part of why I don't want to care.

And if the rest of Canada doesn't want to care about Québec, then that's completely wonderful. Let's get a Bloc Albertain going. Maybe we'd finally see decentralization worth mentioning. That, ironically, would be a Canada I might be tempted to give half a shit about.

James Edward Smith

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Re: News from the North
« Reply #26 on: September 11, 2008, 02:28:47 PM »

Alright sorry, your Hobbesian worldview is accepted.

(and yes they are the 4th party, the Bloc is not a fucking legitimate party because no party that stands for only one province should be counted as legitimate in a FEDERAL election by people who are still humouring our current system of government as even approximating an appropriate system of government and still want to take it seriously)

Which to be honest, almost isn't even me anymore. The thing is, when I finally do get to your level of disapproval --which I'm thinking might happen before this election is even over-- I'm not going to express that by voting for the Waste the Rest of the County's Time Party: Ontario Edition (WRCTP:OE).

I do agree though with trying to elect someone who truly wants to reform our system in the serious way it needs to be and actually has a good idea for it. I do not think we need to break off into little fiefdoms like the Bloc seems to think, though I do prefer that to the current Conservative plan of appointing Steven Harper as Emperor and ordering Jack Layton to serve as his Court Jester, as subtle a change to the current system as that may seem to be.
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Re: News from the North
« Reply #27 on: September 11, 2008, 04:14:37 PM »

Honestly, the thing that pisses me off about Harper is not his ongoing demolition of the traditions of a government entirely based on tradition, nor is it his robotic, bullying personality, nor is it the fact that he has surrounded himself with incompetent mouthbreathers, nor is it their petty and blatantly personal-revenge based arts program cuts, nor is it even the fact of his constant flirtation with the extreme right (while pretending to be centrist like any good Canadian politico who wants to be elected.

No, what pisses me off enough to actually vote for someone else is the fact that the current Conservative fiscal policy is TERRIBLE. Their economic management is goddamn embarrassing, their ministers are all but AT WAR with their provincial counterparts. The GST cut is the greatest example of their complete inability to understand proper economic management, but not once have I seen Flaherty do a single thing I like. I'd kill to have someone of Paul Martin's caliber back as Finance Minister, because in the end, this will affect me and everyone I know, far, far more than anything on the list above.

Also, I'd like to give props to my man Joe Clark for standing up for Elizabeth May - before it was fashionable.

P.S. Re: Jack Layton: I may have mentioned this during the previous election, but I have one ironclad rule in Canadian Politics: Never vote for anyone who once served on Toronto City Council, the most useless bunch of worthless grabasses to have ever coagulated into a body politic.


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Re: News from the North
« Reply #28 on: September 11, 2008, 04:36:24 PM »

Also am pissed off that the sacrifice of my friends means naught to Harper as he tries to win a few swing ridings - you could say I'm bitter right now.

Very bitter.  ::(:

I don't think this will make you any happier.



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Re: News from the North
« Reply #29 on: September 17, 2008, 12:00:43 AM »

This is a hard one...

And for the first time in quite sometime, I do not know who to vote for...

I don't trust the Liberals as they have proven themselves to be complacent with constitution as well as rural folk..

I lost my faith in the conservatives as only two years ago did Harper mention how Canadians don't cut and run - to a speech to soldiers at KAF

I don't trust NDP types either.. and I was more of a Jim Harris Green than a Elizabeth May Green. 

Is it just me, or am I foreseeing record low turnout?


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Re: News from the North
« Reply #30 on: September 17, 2008, 04:29:49 PM »

This election is DISMAL. The leaders are WORTHLESS.

All three major parties should have their chief strategists SHOT. Well.... except that Dion is basically COMPLETELY IGNORING the Liberal Party's chief strategist AND the chief pollster and is vetting EVERYTHING BY HAND.

Out here in Ontario the big question is "Hey, even if you all totally hate us... couldn't you at least PRETEND that you care about the province - even if only for purely opportunistic motives?" I mean, WE ONLY HAVE A THIRD OF THE POPULATION OF THE COUNTRY. But hey, who needs those votes? Nahhhh... The KINDEST thing you can say about these campaigns is that they are disorganized failures.

Jesus Fucking Christ, watching incompetence this bad makes me vomit and pass out.


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Re: News from the North
« Reply #31 on: September 17, 2008, 04:33:49 PM »

Oh hey, you guys are 8 years behind us.

...or 4.

...or 2.




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Re: News from the North
« Reply #32 on: September 17, 2008, 04:34:45 PM »

Only we won't get an Obama ever.

As Canadians, mediocrity is our insufferable lot in life.


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Re: News from the North
« Reply #33 on: September 17, 2008, 04:35:45 PM »

Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way.

You ought to learn to stop being like them.


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Re: News from the North
« Reply #34 on: September 17, 2008, 10:45:46 PM »

Only we won't get an Obama ever.

As Canadians, mediocrity is our insufferable lot in life.
Give it some time; maybe we won't, either.


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Re: News from the North
« Reply #35 on: September 21, 2008, 08:03:40 AM »

Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way.

You ought to learn to stop being like them.

Their English roots are the only variable keeping them from becoming this:



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Re: News from the North
« Reply #36 on: October 09, 2008, 03:04:14 PM »

To the outsider:

I give you the 2008 Canadian Election in a nutshell


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Re: News from the North
« Reply #37 on: October 14, 2008, 09:22:10 AM »

so did you guys vote for obama today or what


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Re: News from the North
« Reply #38 on: October 14, 2008, 10:57:30 AM »

Vot'd. And what's more, since I moved across the country, I was able to vote in a riding where the party I voted for actually has a decent chance of winning.  ::D:
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It's never easy to tell just where the line is between physical malady and the general crushing horror of life itself.


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Re: News from the North
« Reply #39 on: October 14, 2008, 12:23:20 PM »

whoa, you're no longer in Van?


Yeah, the problem with representation is you have these paradoxes like your candidate being super awesome, but her leader being a mustached douchebag..

If my military friends ever hear of this one...
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